“Gods Masterpiece”

Mary of the Angels

Majestic Queen of Heaven and mistress of the Angels, you received from God the power and command to crush the head of satan. Therefore, we humbly beg of you, send forth the legions of heaven, that under your command they may seek out all evil spirits, engage them everywhere in battle, curb their pride, and hurl them back into the pit of hell. “Who is like unto God?” Good and tender Mother, you shall ever be our hope and the object of our love. Mother of God, send forth the holy angels to defend me and drive far from me the cruel foe. Holy Angels and Archangels, defend us and keep us. Amen.
Prayer for Peace, to Mary, The Light of Hope
(By Pope St. John-Paul II)
Immaculate Heart of Mary help us to conquer the menace of evil which so easily takes root in the hearts of the people of today, and whose immeasurable effects already weigh down upon our modern world and seem to block the paths toward the future. From famine and war, deliver us. From nuclear war, from incalculable self-destruction, from every kind of war, deliver us. From sins against human life from its very beginning, deliver us. From hatred and from the demeaning of the dignity of the children of God, deliver us. From every kind of injustice in the life of society, both national and international, deliver us. From readiness to trample on the commandments of God, deliver us. From attempts to stifle in human hearts the very truth of God, deliver us. From the loss of awareness of good and evil, deliver us. From sins against the Holy Spirit, deliver us. Accept, O Mother of Christ, this cry laden with the sufferings of all individual human beings, laden with the sufferings of whole societies. Help us with the power of the Holy Spirit to conquer all sin: individual sin and the "sin of the world", sin in all of its manifestations. Let there be revealed once more in the history of the world the infinite saving power of the redemption: the power of merciful love. May it put a stop to evil. May it transform consciences. May your Immaculate Heart reveal for all the light of hope.
Flos Carmeli (Flower of Carmel)

(13th-century hymn to Our Lady attributed to the Carmelite St. Simon Stock)
Flower of Carmel, tall vine, blossom-laden; splendour of heaven, child-bearing, yet maiden; none equals thee. Mother so tender, whom no man didst know, on Carmel's children thy favours bestow; Star of the Sea! Strong stem of Jesse, who bore one bright flower, be ever near us, and guard us each hour, who serve thee here. Purest of lilies, that flowers among thorns, bring help to true hearts that in weakness turn and trust in thee. Strongest of armour, we trust in thy might, under thy mantle, hard pressed in the fight, we call to thee. Our way, uncertain, surrounded by foes, unfailing counsel you offer to those who turn to thee. O gentle Mother, who in Carmel reigns, share with your servants that gladness you gained, and now enjoy. Hail, gate of heaven, with glory now crowned, bring us to safety, where thy Son is found, true joy to see.
V. Holy Mary, Mother of Christ, hear the cry of your servants.
R. And bring down heavenly aid in answer to our prayer.
Let us pray:
By a special privilege, Lord, you have adorned the Carmelite Order with the name of your Mother, the most glorious Virgin Mary. Grant as we faithfully remember this honour, that in these days we may receive her protection and in the days to come we may be brought to everlasting happiness. This we ask of you who are living and reigning for ever. Amen.
To the Queen of the Holy Rosary
O Queen of the most holy Rosary, in these times of brazen impiety, show again thy power, with the signs which accompanied thy victories of old, and from the throne where thou are seated, dispensing pardon and grace, in pity watch over the Church of thy Son, His Vicar, and every order of the clergy and the laity, suffering in grievous warfare. Hasten, O most powerful destroyer of heresy, hasten the hour of mercy, seeing that the hour of judgment is daily challenged by innumerable offenses. Obtain for me, the lowest of man, kneeling suppliant in thy presence, the grace which may enable me to live a just life on earth, and reign with the just in heaven, whilst with the faithful throughout the world, O Queen of the most holy Rosary, I salute thee and cry out: Queen of the most holy Rosary, Pray for us!
Catena Legionis
Who is she that comes forth as the morning rising, fair as the moon, bright as the sun, terrible as an army set in battle array?
My soul doth magnify the Lord, and my spirit hath rejoiced in God, my Saviour.
Because He hath regarded the humility of His handmaid: for behold from henceforth all generations shall call me blessed.
For He that is mighty hath done great things to me, and holy is His name.
And His mercy is from generation unto generations to them that fear Him.
He hath showed might in His arm: He hath scattered the proud in the conceit of their heart.
He hath put down the mighty from their seat: and hath exalted the humble.
He hath filled the hungry with good things: and the rich He hath sent away empty.
He hath received Israel His servant: being mindful of His mercy.
As He spoke to our fathers: to Abraham and to his seed forever.
Glory be to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Ghost. As it was in the beginning, is now, and ever shall be, world without end. Amen
Antiphon. - Who is she that cometh forth as the morning rising, fair as the moon, bright as the sun, terrible as an army set in battle array?
O Mary conceived without sin.
R. Pray for us who have recourse to Thee.
Let us pray:
O Lord Jesus Christ Our Mediator with the Father, Who hast been pleased to appoint the Most Blessed Virgin, Thy Mother, to be our Mother also, and our Mediatrix with Thee, mercifully grant that whosoever comes to Thee seeking Thy favors may rejoice to receive all of them through her. Amen.
O Mary, conceived without sin. Pray for us who have recourse to you.
Let us pray. O Lord Jesus Christ, our mediator with the Father, You have been pleased to appoint the most Blessed Virgin, your mother, to be our mother also, and our mediatrix with you, mercifully grant that whoever comes to you seeking your favours may rejoice to receive all of them through her. Amen
The Memorare
Remember, O most gracious Virgin Mary, that never was it known that anyone who fled to your protection, implored your help or sought your intercession was left unaided. Inspired with this confidence, I fly to you, O Virgin of virgins, my Mother. To you I come, before you I stand sinful and sorrowful. O Mother of the Word Incarnate, do not ignore my petitions but in your mercy hear and answer me. Amen.
Consecration to Mary
My Queen, my Mother, I give myself entirely to you, and to show my devotion to you I consecrate to you this day my eyes, my ears, my mouth, my heart, my whole body without reserve. Wherefore, good Mother, as I am your own, keep me and guard me as your property and possession. Amen.
Marian Prayer of Saint Phillip Neri
(A.D. 1515-1595)
Mary, I love you.
Mary, make me live in God, with God, and for God.
Draw me after you, holy mother.
O Mary, may your children persevere in loving you.
Mary, Mother of God and mother of mercy,
pray for me and for the departed.
Mary, holy Mother of God, be our helper.
In every difficulty and distress, come to our aid, O Mary.
O Queen of Heaven, lead us to eternal life with God.
Mother of God, remember me, and help me always to remember you.
O Mary, conceived without sin,pray for us who have recourse to you.
Pray for us, O holy Mother of God, that we may be made worthy of the promises of Christ.
Holy Mary, Mother of God,
pray to Jesus for me. Amen.
Marian Prayer of St. Gregory of Narek (A.D. 1010)
Assist me by the wings of your prayers, O you who are called the Mother of the living, so that on my exit from this valley of tears I may be able to advance without torment to the dwelling of life that has been prepared for us to lighten the end of a life burdened by my iniquity. Healer of the sorrows of Eve, change my day of anguish into a feast of gladness. Be my Advocate, ask and supplicate. For as I believe in your inexpressible purity, so do I also believe in the good reception that is given to your word. O you who are blessed among women, help me with your tears for I am in danger. Bend the knee to obtain my reconciliation, O Mother of God. Be solicitous for me for I am miserable, O Tabernacle of the Most High. Hold out your hand to me as I fall, O heavenly Temple. Glorify your Son in you: may he be pleased to operate Divinely in me the miracle of forgiveness and mercy. Handmaid and Mother of God, may your honor be exalted by me, and may my salvation be manifested through you. Amen.
Prayer to the Immaculate Heart of Mary
O Immaculate Heart of Mary, Heavenly beauty and splendor of the Father, You are the most valued Heavenly treasure.
New Eve, immaculate in soul, spirit and body, Created of the godly seed by the Spirit of God, You are the spiritual Mother of mankind.
Pure Virgin, full of grace then and now, Your whole being was raised Heavenly in full glory, To be elevated above all the hosts within the Kingdom of God.
O Heavenly Mother, Queen of Heaven and earth, I recognize the glory of your highest title, The Immaculate Heart of Mary!
Loving Mother, dispenser of endless blessings, You who continuously intercedes on our behalf, Please present my need before your loving Son Jesus.
(In your own words, make your special request here. Do not just mention a word. Speak to the Immaculate Heart of Mary as you would speak to another person, begging your Heavenly Mother to plea to Jesus on your behalf, that you be granted this special request.)
O Immaculate Heart of Mary, I know that you are now presenting my need before Jesus, For you have never turned away those in dire need.
Mother dearest, I await your favorable answer, Submitting myself to the Divine will of the Lord, For all glories are His forever and ever.
Prayer to the Virgin Mary
(never known to fail)
Oh most beautiful flower of Mt. Carmel, fruit wine splendorous of Heaven, Blessed Mother of the Son of God, Immaculate Virgin, assist me in my necessity. Oh Star of the Sea. Help me and show me herein you are my Mother. Oh Holy Mary, Mother of God, Queen of Heaven and Earth, I humbly beseech you from the bottom of my heart to succor me in my necessity. There is none that can withstand your power. Oh show me here you are my Mother. Oh Mary conceived without sin, pray for us who have recourse to Thee (3 times).
Thank you for mercy towards me and mine. Amen.
(This prayer must be said for 3 consecutive days and after that the request will be granted and the prayer should be shared with others, in any way that you can.)
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Devotion to the Sorrowful and Immaculate Heart of Mary
Sorrowful and Immaculate Heart of Mary, dwelling pure and holy, cover my soul with your maternal protection so that being ever faithful to the voice of Jesus, it responds to His love and obeys His Divine Will. I wish, O, my Mother, to keep unceasingly before me your co-redemption in order to live intimately with your Heart that is totally united to the Heart of your Divine Son.
Fasten me to this Heart by your own virtues and sorrows. Protect me always. Amen.
The Angelus
The angel of the Lord declared unto Mary.
and she conceived of the Holy Spirit. Hail Mary...
Behold the handmaid of the Lord
Be it done unto me according to they word. Hail Mary...
And the Word was made flesh.
And dwelt among us. Hail Mary...
Pray for us, O Holy Mother of God.
That we amy be made worthy of the promises of Christ.
Let Us Pray: Pour forth , we beseech Thee, O Lord, They grace onto our hearts, that we to whom the incarnation of Christ, THey Son, was made known by the message of an angel, may by His passion and cross be brought to the glory of His resurrection, through the same Christ, our Lord, Amen.
**A partial indulgence is granted the Christian faithful who devoutly recite these prayers above during the times stated. According to a praiseworthy custom these prayers are usually recited at dawn, noon, and in the evening.
Litany of Mary the Mother of God

The Litany of Loretto Lord, have mercy on us.
Christ, have mercy on us.
Lord, have mercy on us. Christ hear us.
Christ, graciously hear us.
God, the Father of heaven,
Have mercy on us.
God, the Son, Redeemer of the world:
Have mercy on us.
God, the Holy Ghost,
Have mercy on us.
Holy Trinity, One God,
Have mercy on us.
Holy Mary, pray for us. (repeat at end of each phrase.)
Holy Mother of God,
Holy Virgin of virgins,
Mother of Christ,
Mother of divine grace,
Mother most pure,
Mother most chaste,
Mother inviolate,
Mother undefiled,
Mother most amiable,
Mother most admirable,
Mother of good counsel,
Mother of our Creator,
Mother of our Savior,
Virgin most prudent,
Virgin most venerable,
Virgin most renowned,
Virgin most powerful,
Virgin most merciful,
Virgin most faithful,
Mirror of justice,
Seat of wisdom,
Cause of our joy,
Spiritual vessel,
Vessel of honor,
Singular vessel of devotion,
Mystical rose,
Tower of David,
Tower of ivory,
House of gold,
Ark of the covenant,
Gate of Heaven,
Morning star,
Health of the sick,
Refuge of sinners,
Comforter of the afflicted,
Help of Christians,
Queen of angels,
Queen of patriarchs,
Queen of prophets,
Queen of apostles,
Queen of martyrs,
Queen of confessors,
Queen of virgins,
Queen of all saints,
Queen conceived without original sin,
Queen assumed into heaven,
Queen of the most holy Rosary,
Queen of peace.
Lamb of God, who takest away the sins of the world,
Spare us, O Lord.
Lamb of God, who takest away the sins of the world,
Graciously hear us O Lord.
Lamb of God, who takest away the sins of the world,
Have mercy on us.
V. Pray for us, O holy Mother of God.
R. That we may be made worthy of the promises of Christ.
Let us pray:
Grant, O Lord God, we beseech Thee, that we Thy servants may rejoice in continual health of mind and body; and, through the glorious intercession of Blessed Mary ever Virgin, may be freed from present sorrow, and enjoy eternal gladness. Through Christ our Lord. Amen. 
(if you are devoted to Our Lady this will soon become one of your favorite prayers)To Our Lady
(by Pope St. Pius X)

Oh, Mother of Mercy, help of Christians, most faithful minister of Divine Providence, treasure of all graces, remember that it has never been heard of that you have left without consolation those who devoutly had recourse to you. Therefore, confiding in you mercy and in the bounty of your providence, I prostrate myself at you feet until you are willing to answer my prayer.
Obtain for us the holy Providence or graces necessary for our spiritual needs and also the temporal Providence necessary to support our life in this valley of tears. I recommend most fervently to your most loving and maternal heart the Holy Church, the Sovereign Pontiff; the Conversion of souls, the propagation of the Catholic faith, and also the elect spouses of our Lord, who are suffering in the flames of Purgatory that they may be consoled with eternal refreshment. Amen
O Blessed Mother of God, Our Dear Lady of Mercy, help us to preserve in the work of saving and protecting the souls of God’s poor unfortunate children, so that they and we may obtain the reward of eternal life, through Christ Jesus our Lord. Amen.
“Ave Maria Stella”
During a riot at Rome, a mob came to the house where St. Bridget lived; a leader talked of burning Bridget alive. She prayed to Our Lord to know if she should flee to safety. Jesus advised her to stay:
Promises To Those Who Sing:
“It doesn’t matter if they plot Thy death.
My power will break the malice of Thy enemies:
if Mine crucified Me, it is because I permitted it.”
Our blessed Mother added: “Sing as a group the AVE MARIS STELLA and I’ll guard you from every danger.”
Ave Maria Stella
(Oldest Version)
Bright mother of our Maker, hail
Thou Virgin ever blest,
The ocean’s Star by Which we sail
And gain the port of rest.
While we this Ave thus to thee
From Gabriel’s mouth rehearse;
Prevail that peace our lot may be,
And Eva's name reverse.
Release our long entangled mind
From all the snares of ill;
With heavenly light instruct the blind,
And all our vows fulfill.
Exert for us a mother’s care,
And us thy children own;
Prevail with him to hear our prayer
Who chose to be thy Son.
O spotless maid! whose virtues shine
With brightest purity,
Each action of our lives refine,
And make us pure like thee.
Preserve our lives unstained from ill
In this infectious way;
That heaven alone our souls may fill
With joys that ne’er decay.
To God the Father endless praise.
To God the Son the same,
And Holy Ghost, whose equal rays
One equal glory claim.
Ave Maria Stella
(Newer Version)
Hail, O Star of the ocean,
God's own Mother blest,
ever sinless Virgin,
gate of heav'nly rest.
Taking that sweet Ave,
which from Gabriel came,
peace confirm within us,
changing Eve's name.
Break the sinners' fetters,
make our blindness day,
Chase all evils from us,
for all blessings pray.
Show thyself a Mother,
may the Word divine
born for us thine Infant
hear our prayers through thine.
Virgin all excelling,
mildest of the mild,
free from guilt preserve us
meek and undefiled.
Keep our life all spotless,
make our way secure
till we find in Jesus,
joy for evermore.
Praise to God the Father,
honor to the Son,
in the Holy Spirit,
be the glory one. Amen.
To the Blessed Virgin

My Queen, my mother, I give myself entirely to thee, and to show my devotion to thee, I consecrate to thee this day, my eyes, my ears, my mouth, my heart, my whole being without reserve. Wherefore good Mother as I am thine own, keep me, guard me, as thy property and possession. Amen
“An indulgence of 500 days”
Written by The Blessed Mother Mary
This prayer was found in the fiftieth year of Our Lord Jesus Christ. In 1500’s it was sent by the Pope to Emperor Charles when he was going into battle. It is letter written by the Blessed Virgin Mary to the City of Messina where St. Paul, the Apostle preached the gospel, which has been preserved in the Reliquary of the great altar.
Here are many promises attached to this letter and prayer
Whoever reads this prayer or hears it or carries it, will never die a sudden death, nor be drowned, nor will poison take effect on them. They will not fall into the hands of the enemy nor be burned in any fire, nor will they be defeated in battle.
Glory be to Jesus and Mary

“I, Mary Virgin, servant of God, very humble Mother of Jesus Christ, Son of God, the Almighty and Eternity, to all who are in Messina, health and benediction in our Lord. You have learned by the ambassadors who have been sent to you. You received the gospel and you acknowledged that the Son of God has become man, and has suffered the passion and death for the salvation of the world, and that He is Christ and also the true Messiah. I beseech you to persevere, promising to you, and all your posterity, to assist you in the presence of My Son.”
Mary Virgin, very humble servant of God
Most Rev. George V. Ahr Bishop of Trenton
Make this prayer known everywhere.
Carry this with you always
Oh Humble Sweet Mother Mary

Oh Sorrowful and Immaculate heart of Mary my mother, Queen of the universe and Mother of us all, I give you my all, all that I say, do and have, I ask you Sweetest Mother to perfume My Heart with the fragrance of your Immaculate Heart: This Holy Fragrance which is just the same as Jesus my Lord. I place all the burden of my mind and heart into your Sorrowful and Immaculate Heart.
O sweetest rose of heaven, make me like you, humble and pure, so that I may endure all that this life will impart, with happiness and joy. O my Queen and Mother, make my heart like your heart, a golden treasure for Jesus to live in. Amen.
Hail Mary of Gold
Hail Mary, White Lily of the Glorious and always serene Trinity.
Hail brilliant Rose of the Garden of heavenly delights:
O you, by whom God wanted to be born and by whose milk the King of Heaven wanted to be nourished!
Nourish our souls with effusions of divine grace. Amen!
At the hour when the soul which has thus greeted me quits the body I’ll appear to them in such splendid beauty that they’ll taste, to their great consolation, something of the joys of Paradise.
The blessed Virgin Mary to St. Gertrude the Great.
(Revelations book III, chapter XVIII)
Consecrating the Two Last Hours of Life to the Most Holy Virgin Mary
by Rev. Fr. IIdefonso M. Izaguirre, O.P.
Prostrated at thy feet, and humiliated by me sins, but full of confidence in thee, O Mary! I beg thee to accept the petition my heart is going to make. It is for my last moments, Dear Mother I wish to request thy protection and maternal love so that in the decisive instant thou wilt do all thy love can suggest in my behalf.
To thee, O Mother of my soul, I consecrate THE LAS TWO HOURS of my life. Come to my side to receive my last breath and when death has cut the thread of my days, tell Jesus, presenting to Him my soul, “I LOVE IT”. That word alone will be enough to procure for me the benediction of my God and the happiness of seeing thee for all eternity.
I put my trust in thee, my Mother and hope (and know) it will not be in vain.
O Mary! Pray for thy child and lead him to Jesus!
Mary’s Crown
By Paul G. Dextraze

Holy Virgin, pray for us.
Immaculate Conception, pray for us.
Blessed Mary, pray for us.
Holy Mother, pray for us.
New Eve, pray for us.
Most gracious advocate, pray for us.
Holy Queen, pray for us.
Virgin of Nazareth, pray for us.
Virgin most faithful, pray for us.
Virgin most prayerful, pray for us.
Virgin most chaste, pray for us.
Virgin most obedient, pray for us.
Virgin most humble, pray for us.
Virgin consecrated to God, pray for us.
Daughter of Saint Anne, pray for us.
Daughter of the house of David, pray for us.
Daughter of Jerusalem, pray for us.
Daughter of Israel, pray for us.
Daughter of Abraham, pray for us.
Daughter free of Adam's sin, pray for us.
Daughter of Yahweh, pray for us.
Mary, greeted by Gabriel, pray for us.
Mary, full of grace, pray for us.
Mary, maidservant of the Lord, pray for us.
Mary, spouse of the Spirit, pray for us.
Mary, bearer of Jesus, pray for us.
Mary, blest among women, pray for us.
Mary, treasuring God's word, pray for us.
Mary, pierced by a sword, pray for us.
Mary, weeping at Calvary, pray for us.
Mary, filled with the Spirit, pray for us.
Mary, risen with Jesus, pray for us.
Mary, crowned by the Father! Pray for us.
Mother of Jesus, pray for us.
Mother of the Messiah, pray for us.
Mother of our Savior, pray for us.
Mother of the Lamb of God, pray for us.
Mother of the Way, pray for us.
Mother of the Truth, pray for us.
Mother of the Life, pray for us.
Mother of the Vine, pray for us.
Mother of the Bread of Life, pray for us.
Mother of the Resurrection, pray for us.
Mother of our Lord,pray for us.
Mother of God, pray for us. pray for us.
Mother of humility, pray for us.
Mother of holiness, pray for us.
Mother of innocence, pray for us.
Mother of chastity, pray for us.
Mother of patience, pray for us.
Mother of kindness, pray for us.
Mother of meekness, pray for us.
Mother of obedience, pray for us.
Mother of wisdom, pray for us.
Mother of zeal, pray for us.
Mother of Goodness,pray for us.
Mother of Love, pray for us.
Mother of grace,pray for us.
Mother of faith,pray for us.
Mother of hope,pray for us.
Mother of trust,pray for us.
Mother of mercy,pray for us.
Mother of compassion,pray for us.
Mother of reconciliation,pray for us.
Mother of sinners,pray for us.
Mother of the lost,pray for us.
Mother of the dying,pray for us.
Mother of the suffering souls,pray for us.
Mother of all! Pray for us.
Woman foretold in Genesis,pray for us.
Woman of Cana,pray for us.
Woman at the Cross,pray for us.
Woman of the Apocalypse,pray for us.
Woman clothed with the sun,pray for us.
Woman with the moon under her feet,pray for us.
Woman crowned with twelve stars! Pray for us.
Support of the Pope,pray for us.
Upholder of priests,pray for us.
Joy of religious,pray for us.
Hope of the laity,pray for us.
Model for the faithful,pray for us.
Cause of unity,pray for us.
Pillar of the Church, pray for us.
Guardian of the family,pray for us.
Friend of mothers,pray for us.
Helper of fathers,pray for us.
Lover of orphans,pray for us.
Consoler of the bereaved,pray for us.
Champion of the helpless,pray for us.
Patroness of nations, pray for us.
Messenger of God,pray for us.
Heavenly visitor,pray for us.
Immaculate Heart,pray for us.
Image of Guadalupe,pray for us.
Healer of Lourdes,pray for us.
Prophet of Fatima,pray for us.
Worker of miracles, pray for us.
Lowly servant...pray for us.
Proclaiming the greatness of the Lord,pray for us.
Rejoicing in God her Savior,pray for us.
Blest by all generations,pray for us.
Giving thanks to God,pray for us.
Praising God's holiness! pray for us.
Praising God's mercy! pray for us.
Praising God's power! pray for us.
Praising God's justice! pray for us.
Praising God's goodness! pray for us.
Most humble of all! pray for us.
Exalted in glory! Pray for us!