Prayers of Blessing

For Sick Animals
V. Our help is in the name of the Lord.
R. Who has made heaven and earth.
V. The Lord be with you.
R. And with your spirit.
Let us pray.
We humbly beg of You, Lord, in Your mercy, that in Your name and by the power of Your blessing, You cure these animals,
afflicted with serious disease. May all power of the devil that is in them be driven out. And that they be not any more afflicted by disease, Lord, be for them a guard of their life and a remedy producing health, through Jesus Christ our Lord, Your Son, who lives and is King and God with You in the unity of the Holy Spirit or ever and ever.
R. Amen.
(The the animals are sprinkled with holy water.)

Blessing for the Home

(Before entering the house and each individual room, sprinkle with holy water and say the following prayer.)
"Lord, we believe in the Word of Scripture which says:
'If we live our lives in the light, as He is in the light, we are in union with one another, and the Blood of Jesus, His son, purifies us from all sin.' [1 Jn. 1:7]
Therefore, we ask You, O Eternal Father, in the Name of Your Son Jesus, that any type of sin committed in this house,
violating the peace and sanctity of a truly Christian home,
be washed and cleansed through the Precious Blood of Our Lord Jesus who takes away all the sin of the world,
dishonesty, hatred, and evil.
(Then, gather in a part of the house to thank the Heavenly Father in the Most Holy Name of Jesus, since all darkness and evil has left forever the residence. Then say the following prayer.)
O Heavenly Father, we believe that the night is ending and daylight is getting close. Therefore, we want to abandon the works of darkness and put on the armor of the Light [Rom. 13:12].
Heavenly Father, we want to stand up, to gird ourselves with the truth and to be protected by the breastplate of justice,
with the shoes of the Gospel of peace on our feet, always firmly gripping the shield of that faith with which we are able to ward off and extinguish the burning arrows of the evil one.
And we want to wear the helmet of the salvation of Jesus Christ and the sword of the Holy Spirit which is the Word of God. [Eph. 6:14-17]
Holy Father, in the Name of Our Lord Jesus, we thank You from the bottom of our heart because You drove away forever all darkness and evil from this house.
Lord Jesus, our Beloved Saviour, bless this house and each one of those who live here, so that the light of Your protective presence, full of love and peace, may enter and always remain here as a sign of Your infinite mercy!
Holy Spirit of the Father and Son, increase in us more and more faith and trust in the power of the Resurrected Lord!
Amen. Alleluia!"
Say each prayer one time:
Our Father...
Hail Mary...
Glory Be...
Blessing for your Car

V. Our help is in the name of the Lord.
R. Who has made heaven and earth.
V. The Lord be with you.
R. And with your spirit.
Let us pray.
Lend a willing ear, Lord God, to our prayers, and bless this vehicle with Your holy right hand. Direct Your holy angels to accompany it, that they may free those who ride in it from all dangers, and always guard them. And just as by Your deacon Philip You gave faith and grace to the man of Ethiopia as he sat in his chariot reading the Sacred Word, so, point out to Your servants the way of salvation. Grant that, aided by Your grace, and with their hearts set on good works, they may, after all the joys and sorrows of this journey through life, merit to receive eternal joys,through Christ our Lord.
(Then the automobile is sprinkled with holy water.)
Blessing for Water Supply

O Lord, Almighty God,who hast given us an ample supply of water,led off by pipes from this source,grant that,by Thy assistance and blessing and our cooperation,every diabolical attack and confusion may be kept off and that this water supply may always be pure and uncontaminated. Through Christ our Lord.
Blessing for Work Place
Blessed are you, Lord our God, Creator of the universe and Father of us all. We praise You for Your mighty works.
Look on us with love, and hear our prayers today. Grant Your blessing to this N., and to all who work here. Let their work contribute to the good of all members of this community.
Father, blessed are You for ever and ever.
Blessing of Water

My brother and sisters in Jesus Christ, let us praise God our Father, who called us in baptism to be his people.
[Moment of silence.]
Blessed are you, Lord our God,Father of all and creator of the universe: through the waters of our baptism, you have raised us to new life in Jesus. Let this water remind us of your love
show to us when we were baptized. Help us, Father, to live in your service. Blessed are you, Father, for ever and ever.
Blessing of Crops, on the Feast of The Blessed Mother’s Birthday

V. Our help is in the name of the Lord.
R. Who has made heaven and earth.
V. The Lord be with you.
R. And with your spirit.
Let us pray.
Holy Lord, Father almighty, eternal God, we beg and pray You to be so kind as to turn Your calm eyes and happy countenance upon these crops and seeds. You testified to Your servant Moses in the land of Egypt, saying: "Tell the sons of Israel that when they have entered the land of promise which I shall give them, they should offer their first fruits to the priests,
and they shall be blessed." Now we ask You, Lord, by the aid of Your mercy, to send the blessing of Your right hand upon these crops, which You have been so kind as to give us to present to You. Grant that no hail may crush them, nor violent winds destroy them, but may they ever remain unharmed.
Be so kind as to bring them to great abundance and ripeness for the use of body and soul. You live and are King in the perfect Trinity for ever and ever.
R. Amen.
Let us pray.
Almighty, everlasting God, sower and nourisher of the heavenly Word, You till the ground of our hearts with spiritual tools.
Hear our prayers, please, and pour Your great blessing upon the fields that have been sown, and by the grace of Your protection, turn away from them the force of every storm. Let all these fruits be filled with Your blessing and be brought to storehouse without trouble, through our Lord Jesus Christ, Your Son, who lives and is King and God with You in the unity of the Holy Spirit for ever and ever.
R. Amen.
(Then they are sprinkled with holy water, and if possible, incensed.)
Blessing of Water

(On Sundays, or as the need arises, salt and clean water are prepared in the sacristy, and the priest, wearing a violet stole, says:)
V. Our help is in the name of the Lord.
R. Who has made heaven and earth.
(Then the priest continues:)
Salt made by God, I purge you of evil, by the living God, by the true God, by the holy God, by God who ordered by the mouth of the prophet Eliseus that you be mixed with water to heal the latter's sterility. Become now the salt of exorcism for the salvation of the faithful, that all tasting you may receive health of soul and body. From wherever you are sprinkled
let there flee away all appearance of devilish deceit, and wickedness and cunning. Let every unclean spirit be commanded by Him who is to come to judge the living and the dead and the world by fire.
R. Amen.
Almighty and everlasting God, we humbly beg of Your measureless mercy to bless this salt that You have made and given mankind to use. Sanctify it in Your loving kindness, so that all who partake of it may receive health of both mind and body.
Grant that whatever is touched or sprinkled by it may be preserved from uncleanness, and from every assault of the wicked foe, through our Lord Jesus Christ.
R. Amen.
(Exorcism of the water. The priest says:)
Water made by God, I purge you, too, of evil, in the name of God the Father almighty, in the name of Jesus Christ His Son our Lord, and in the power of the Holy Spirit. Become now water blessed to banish all power of the enemy, and to conquer and dispel that enemy himself with his fallen angels, by the power of the same Lord Jesus Christ, who shall come to judge the living and the dead and the world by fire.
R. Amen.
Let us pray.
O God, for the salvation of mankind. You have built Your greatest sacraments on this substance of water. Give a kindly hearing to our prayers, and pour out the power of Your blessing on this element, now prepared for our many kinds of purifications. Grant that this, Your creature, may receive power by divine grace, in serving Your mysteries, to drive away evil spirits, and dispel diseases. Grant that everything in the homes or other buildings of the faithful that is sprinkled with this water
may be freed of all uncleanness, and be freed from harm.
Let no harmful spirit abide here, nor breath of corruption approach, and may all the snares of our hidden enemy vanish.
If there be anything which threatens either the health or the peace of those living there, may the sprinkling of this water put it to flight. Grant that the well-being sought by calling on Your holy name may be defended from all attacks, through Christ our Lord.
R. Amen.
V. The Lord be with you.
R. And with your spirit.
Let us pray.
O God, You are the origin of unshakable power, the King of an unconquerable dynasty, and a ruler ever magnificent in triumphs. It is You that hold in check the forces of the hostile power, You that vanquish the rage of the roaring foe, You that scatter far and wide the snares of the enemy. Trembling and bowing before You, we ask of You and we beg, O Lord, that You behold with favor this mixture of salt and water, to regard it with kindness, and to bless it with the breath of Your tireless love. Grant that wherever it is sprinkled at the invocation of Your holy name, the attacks of the unclean spirit may be banished, and the fear of the fatal serpent be kept far away. Let the presence of the Holy Spirit within us, who humbly implore Your mercy, be everywhere granted, through our Lord Jesus Christ, Your Son, who lives and is King and God with You in the unity of the Holy Spirit for ever and ever.
(The faithful can take this Holy Water home in bottles, to sprinkle the sick, their homes, fields, vineyards, and so forth, to keep in their bedrooms, for sprinkling these every day.)
Blessing of Books
Father of light and wisdom,
we praise you for your gifts: for giving us the power to see,
and the ability to write and read and to use the arts of printing.
Help us to use these crafts and skills for your greater honor and glory, and for the salvation of all your people. Blest + these books, and grant that all who use them may grow in wisdom and grace before you and all your people.
Father, we praise you through Jesus Christ your Son in the love of your Holy Spirit, now and always and for ever.
Blessing of Candles
V. Our help is in the name of the Lord.
R. Who has made heaven and earth.
V. The Lord be with you.
R. And with your spirit.
Let us pray.
Lord Jesus Christ, Son of the living God, bless these candles at our request. By virtue of the holy cross, Lord, pour upon them the virtue of Your heavenly blessing. You have given them to mankind to drive away the dark. May they, at this sign of the cross, receive such blessing that wherever they may be lit or placed, the princes of darkness may depart and be afraid and fly in fear from those houses with all their helpers. Nor may they dare again to trouble or bother those who serve You,
almighty God, who live and are King for ever and ever.
R. Amen.
(Then the candles are sprinkled with holy water.)
Blessing of people who care for the sick

Lord Jesus, You showed Your love for the sick by Your concern for them. Help us to see You and serve You in the sick. Bless + these men and women who are dedicated to helping and healing the sick. Guide them in their labors,
and give them a greater share in Your love. Reward their service by the peace and joy of The Holy Spirit, and by the everlasting happiness of Heaven. Lord Jesus, we praise You, for You are our Lord for ever and ever.