Saint Philomena

Supplication Prayers to Saint Philomena
Prostrate at you feet oh glorious Saint I humbly come to offer you my fervent supplication, a prayer from my heart. Receive it with benevolence and grant me my request.
Saint Philomena pray for me,
1 Our Father
My heart is troubled it feels great pain, I am overburdened with sorrow, I am in need of mercy. Help me, Grant me my request.
Saint Philomena pray for me,
1 Our Father
Weary, without consolation, Wanting in hope, alone, Crushed by tribulations, I trust in you to grant me my prayer.
Saint Philomena pray for me,
1 Our Father
I am aware that the cause of many of my misfortunes were my grave sins; obtain for me I beseech you, inspire me with love for Jesus.
Saint Philomena pray for me,
1 Our Father
Saint Philomena protect my home, guard my family, Gaze upon your devotees with your gentle smile, dry all our tears, and instill in my heart a ray of hope. Ask Our Good God to give us all peace, health of mind and body and providence.
Saint Philomena pray for me,
1 Our Father
Notice just how much help I need, do not abandon me. You who are powerful with God, drive sorrow and desolation far from me. Restore serenity to my soul, save me from danger and ruin. Bless my home and my family, and all those devoted to you and please grant my urgent request
(make your request here)
O gracious Saint do not abandon me and fray for me always.
3 Glory Be’s
Through the virtue of your martyrdom may God have pity on us.
3 Glory Be’s
Prayer by Msgr. Michele Camerlengo Bishop of Nola
Devotion to St. Philomena

The Rosary in Honour of Saint Philomena is made up of red beads to signify her martyrdom and white beads to signify her virginity and her purity.
You recite the creed first on the Crucifix medal of Saint Philomena to ask for the gift of Faith. Three Our Fathers on each of the white beads to tank the blessed trinity for the gifts given to the Holy Virgin, for in whose honor, laid down her life for Jesus. The 13 red beads signify the 13 years our Martyr lived on earth and this prayer is recited on each bead: Hail, O holy Saint Philomena, my dear patroness. As my advocate with thy Divine Spouse, intercede for me now and at the hour of my death.
Then pray: Saint Philomena, beloved daughter of Jesus and Mary. pray for us who have recourse to thee.
At the end say:
Hail, O Illustrious Saint Philomena, who so courageously shed thy blood for Christ, I bless the Lord for all the graces He has bestowed upon thee, during thy life, especially at thy death, I praise and glorify Him for the honor and power with which He has crowned thee, and I beg thee to obtain for me from God the graces I ask through thy intercession. Amen.
Or you may say 13 Hail Mary’s followed by: “St. Philomena, pray for us.
Dear St. Philomena pray for us for that purity of mind and heart which lead to the perfect love of God!
Litany of Saint Philomena

Lord,have mercy on us.
Lord,have mercy on us.
Lord, have mercy on us.
Christ hear us.
Christ, graciously hear us.
God, the Father of Heaven,
have mercy on us.
God the Son, Redeemer of the world,
have mercy on us.
God the Holy Spirit,
have mercy on us.
Holy Trinity, one God.
have mercy on us.
Holy Mary, Queen of Virgins.......pray for us.
Saint Philomena......pray for us.
Saint Philomena, filled with abundant graces from your birth...
Saint Philomena, faithful imitator of Mary...
Saint Philomena, model of virginity...
Saint Philomena, temple of perfect humility...
Saint Philomena, inflamed with zeal for the glory of God...
Saint Philomena, victim of love for Jesus...
Saint Philomena, example of strength and perseverance...
Saint Philomena, invincible champion of chastity...
Saint Philomena, mirror of most heroic virtue...
Saint Philomena, firm and intrepid in the face of torments...
Saint Philomena, scourged like your Divine Spouse...
Saint Philomena, pierced by a rain of arrows...
Saint Philomena, consoled in chains by the Mother of God...
Saint Philomena, miraculously healed in prison...
Saint Philomena, comforted by the Angels in your torments...
Saint Philomena, who preferred torments...
Saint Philomena, who converted witnesses by your martyrdom...
Saint Philomena, who wore out the fury of your tormentors...
Saint Philomena, protectress of the innocent...
Saint Philomena, patroness of youth...
Saint Philomena, refuge of the unfortunate...
Saint Philomena, health of the sick and infirm...
Saint Philomena, new light of the Church Militant...
Saint Philomena, who confounds the impiety of the world...
Saint Philomena, who rejuvenates the faith and courage of the faithful...
Saint Philomena, whose name is glorious in Heaven and feared in Hell...
Saint Philomena, made illustrious by the most splendid miracles...
Saint Philomena, powerful with God...
Saint Philomena, who reigns in glory...
Lamb of God, You take away the sins of the world;
spare us, O Lord.
Lamb of God, You take away the sins of the world;
graciously hear us, O Lord.
Lamb of God, You take away the sins of the world;
have mercy on us.
V. Pray for us, O Worker of Wonders, Saint Philomena,
R. That we may be made worthy of the promises of Christ.
Let us pray.
O Lord, through the intercession of Saint Philomena, Virgin and Martyr, whose eminent purity and practice of every virtue was most pleasing to you, pardon our sins and grant us the grace of_______________
(add your special intention), through the same Christ, Our Lord. Amen.
Composed by St. John Vianney
Novena Prayer To Saint Philomena

The Solemn Novenas are from May 17th to 25th, August 3rd to 11th, December 7th to 15th. The Monthly Novena begins on 3rd and ends on 11th of each month.
Novena Preporatory Prayers To Saint Philomena
Written by Don Francisco De Lucia
These prayers are optional for the Novena - but I highly recommend them as they will give you are good idea of what she went through.
1. Purest Young Virgin, most faithful disciple of the Gospel and very powerful Martyr of Jesus Christ, You, who were full of grace and purity, enriched with faith and power in a faithless and corrupted world, and especially in Rome, where the throne of idolatry, tyranny, and every infernal superstition, and the cradle of all the most deforming vices could be found, this idolatrous city was nothing else but a horrible Babylon of prostitution; and you in the center of the capital of the pagan and corrupted world, managed to keep yourself strong in the faith, and pure for your heavenly Spouse until the last breath of your life was sacrificed for the many atrocious martyrdoms; we pray to you for all of your highest merits to implore for us from the throne of the merciful heavenly Father the gift of perseverance of faith, and purity of mind and body, and to let us die with the grace of Jesu Christ. So be it.
Our Father, Hail Mary, Glory Be and The Creed.
2. Very powerful Martyr, and most faithful Virgin of Jesus Christ, in order to preserve intact and immaculate the treasure of purity and faith for our God accepted, to be drowned in deep waters with an Anchor tied around your neck till suffocated, you were freed by your heavenly Spouse: we humbly ask you intercession, so that in times of deep suffering, sorrow, and anxiety, that continuously surround us, we be strong, and freed from the guilt of our faults, freed from the death of our souls, and avoid being drowned in he waters of temptations, So be it.
Our Father, Hail Mary, Glory Be and The Creed.
3. Beloved Bride, and resolute Martyr of Jesus Christ, You that in order to remain permanently virgin and strong in the faith, accepted to be exposed to the eyes of many filthy and wicked pagans in the idolatrous Rome, and in order to defend the virginity and doctrine of the Gospel renounced the delights of the flees, the pleasure and the pomp of the world, the life of your own perfectly pure body, and exposed yourself to the flogging of leather and metal rings, and so under deluge of cruel lashings you were covered in sore and blood, and became very similar to you divine Loved one; implore of for us miserable sinners, the necessary strength to live far from the stain of sins, and to die constant in the faith of the Roman Catholic Church, like you, no matter the pain, dishonor and even death itself. So be it.
Our Father, Hail Mary, Glory Be and The Creed.
4. Zealous warrior for virginity and faith of Jesus Christ, for the unconquerable and cheerful firmness that you showed by exposing you virginal body three times in Rome to hold fast to the Doctrine of Jesus Christ and true to your purity , you accepted to be pierced by sharp and cruel arrows in this way you gained many palms and decoration as many as the mortal wounds that you bore for your Heavenly Spouse: grant us fragile observers of the divine law the strength necessary of our eternal well-being, so that with holy patience we tolerate all the suffering and grief of this life, and all the infernal arrows and darts fired against our souls by the temptations of the devil. Amen.
Our Father, Hail Mary, Glory Be and The Creed.
5. Illustrious and Glorious Martyr and Bride of Christ your Heavenly Beloved was not satisfied with the atrocious mortifications that you had to endure so he did not allow death to extinguish your precious life in order that you could continue your sufferings and bitter fight amidst wounds, blood and pain and so by keeping you alive you were ready for more fierce attacks and terrifying provocations to grant you more immortal victories, palms, triumphs and wreaths. In this way He made you a more admirable bride before the angels in the Kingdom of his Glory and more distinguished among crowned and triumphant martyrs. For this Heavenly Council you were put in Chains and were dragged in front of the tyrants of Rome to be tempted yet again against purity and faith; your inhuman enemies in desperation to bring your pure and faithful heart under submission, condemned you to be beheaded and so, covered in garlands and graces you were taken glorious and triumphant into the reign of your Spouse.
In this holy Novena we implore you to gaze on us from the greatness of your heart, console us with a sign that you have accepted our humble homage which we have offered you, and grant us the graces for which we ask, only if they will help us in our eternal life, and any other graces which from Heaven you think we may need to free our souls from eternal death even though we deserve it for all our grave sins. We hope to be consoled by your celestial charity. We bless with profound devotion the Holy Trinity who on this earth preceded you with blessings of purity, faith, perseverance and of many others that made you life so holy on earth and glorious in heaven where you were taken victorious and triumphant against atrocious enemies and amongst many trials, helping you with his gifts we thank the immaculate Virgin Mother of Jesus Christ, Queen and Comfort of Martyrs who with her maternal and powerful assistance allowed you to overcome all you mortal torments. This we hope with the veneration of your merits and the joyful remembrance of your triumphs, Amen.
Our Father, Hail Mary, Glory Be and The Creed.
You don’t have to say the above prayers to say the Novena but they are helpful. You don’t have to say them each day of the Novena, just the first day.
Now begin the Novena
Prayer for Each Day during the Novena.

O Glorious Virgin and Martyr, beloved of God, Saint Philomena! I rejoice with thee in the power which God gave thee for the glory of His Name, for the edification His Church, and to reward the merits of thy life and death. I rejoice to see thee so great, so pure, so generous, so faithful to Jesus Christ, and to His Gospel, and so splendidly rewarded in Heaven, and on earth. Attracted by thy example to the practice of solid virtue full of hope at the sight of thy recompense granted to thy merits. I resolve to follow thee in avoiding all evil and in fully obeying what God commands. Help me, O great Saint by thy powerful intercession. Obtain for me particularly, a purity inviolable forever, a strength of soul always invincible in every kind of assault, a generosity which denies no sacrifice to God, and a love as strong as death for the Faith of Jesus Christ, for the Holy Roman Church and for Our Holy Father, the Father of all the Faithful, the Shepherd of shepherds and of their flocks, the Vicar of Jesus Christ over all the world.
With all the fervor of my soul, I implore these graces from thee, and, in addition, I ask these other benefits from thee with equal confidence in obtaining them through thy powerful intercession. (Here tell Saint Philomena what you need, with simplicity, confidence and humility).
Surely that God so good for Whom thou didst give thy blood and thy life that God so good Who is so generous to thee and through thy mediation, so generous with gifts and favors to us, that God so good Who has loved me even unto dying for me, even unto giving me Himself under the Eucharistic appearances, surely He will never be deaf to thy prayers, nor to my appeals, unless it be that He Himself is in some different way seeking to do me good. Full of confidence, I place all my trust in Him and in thee. Amen
FIRST DAY1. Consider that Saint Philomena was a virgin… A virgin in such a world and in such an age… A virgin in spite of persecution… A virgin until death… What an example! Can I meditate upon it without blushing? What is the cause of my confusion? What is the remedy for it?
2. Humiliate yourself many times for the reason that has made you blush, remembering her virginal purity.
3. Assist at Holy Mass in her honor and visit one of her statues or pictures, if you can do so conveniently.
SECOND DAY1. Consider that Saint Philomena was and did not cease to be a virgin… Because she knew how to control the corrupt desires of the flesh… How to preserve, in the use of her senses, the modesty of Jesus Christ, holding aloof from a deceitful world and from dangerous occasions. Do you imagine her in all that? What are the sources of your temptations… of your weaknesses… of your anxieties… of your falls? Try to eliminate these sources.
2. Fly from everything that has injured you. Practice what you have had the misfortune to neglect with regard to purity.
3. As on the first day.
THIRD DAY1. Consider that Saint Philomena preserved and increased the love which she had for chastity by means of prayer which is the abundant source of spiritual life… by means of the Sacraments, wherein the soul is washed in the Blood of Jesus Christ, and is nourished with His Sacred Body, divine gem of Christian chastity… by remembering that her members were the members of the Body of Jesus Christ, and that her body was the temple of the Holy Spirit… It is not true that you have these same means at your disposal? What use do you ask of them?
2. Redouble the fervor of all your prayers… Say to yourself from time to time. My members are those of Jesus Christ… the temple of the Holy Spirit.
FOURTH DAY1. Consider that Saint Philomena was a Martyr… that she had to suffer… to suffer much… to suffer even unto death, and that she showed an invincible patience in these torments…Are suffering and patience invariably found together in you? You have to suffer rarely… to suffer a little… never to suffer to the extent of dying from it. Now whence is the reason for so much weakness on your part? Do you not want to remedy that weakness? What sort of remedy will you choose?
2. Suffer patiently those few sorrows oppositions and pains which the Lord may be pleased to send you this day.
3. As on the first day.
FIFTH DAY1. Consider that Saint Philomena suffered martyrdom for Jesus Christ… They wanted to wrest her Faith from her… they wanted to make her violate her Baptismal vows, to persuade her to follow the example of idolaters and apostates. And what does the devil, the world; the flesh and your own heart want from you on so many occasions but the same sort of unfaithfulness? All forms of it are an offense against God. Are these not vain fears, indeed, which make you lacking something in your duties, or which cause you to betray your faith?... O my God, what a shameful slackness!..Take courage at last…
2. To overcome human respect, say to yourself from time to time: It is better to please God than men.
3. As on the first day.
SIXTH DAY1. Consider that Saint Philomena, is dying for Jesus Christ, had to put into practice the maxim of the Savior. "He who does not despise his father, his mother and even his own life for the love of Me, cannot be called disciple." She did not hesitate… She sacrificed everything, no matter how her blood and her nature raised their voices in protest. In far less difficult circumstances do we show ourselves to be worthy of Jesus Christ. If at some juncture we were called upon to choose between God and creatures, between grace and nature, between the love of God and the affection of creatures, to whom would we give our preference?... Oh! in the future let us no longer fall away from our dignity as sons of God and disciples of Jesus Christ.
2. Let us endeavor during this day to please only God, or to please creatures solely for God’s sake. Let us remove far from us all disordered affection.
3. As on the first day.
SEVENTH DAY1. Consider that Saint Philomena, in dying for Jesus Christ, had to endure the jeers, the sarcasms, the outrages of her persecutors, of her executioners and of the majority of the witnesses to her torture… She was none the less generous, none the less constant, none the less joyous in the public confession of her faith… If the world gave you a similar chalice to drink would you have enough courage to drain the bitterness of it with the same kind of sentiments? Oh! What do the jokes, the scorn, or the most unjust or bloodiest persecution of the world matter?... Can anything ever dishonor a soul that is honored by God? Fear nothing… Follow out your road… It is leading straight to the possession of eternal glory.
2. Do not allow your heart to be changed if abrupt words are spoken to you, or rough, biting and offensive words, are hurled at you.
3. As on the first day.
EIGHT DAY1. Consider that when Saint Philomena died, for love of Jesus Christ, to all the things of this wretched world, she entered into the joy of eternal life… Yes I am certain, she said in her heart: "the supreme Judge will give me the crown of justice which He has promised me in return for all the fleeting goods which I sacrifice to His Love." She dies… and behold her in the tabernacle of God, with the Saints who follow the Lamb… Are these the thought which I try to have when I find myself confronted with some sacrifice?... What impression do they make on my spirit?... To what side do they make the balance fall?... Ah! in order to gain all, the Saints used to say: "Let us lose it all"... and what shall I say?
2. To-day let us decide on some voluntary sacrifice… Let us do readily and with a good heart everything in connection with our duties.
3. As on the first day.
NINTH DAY1. Consider that Saint Philomena, having sacrificed everything in this miserable world for Jesus Christ, received back from Himself in this world more than the hundredfold of what He had given! What renown! What power! What glory! What greatness humbled at her feet! What throngs of pilgrims to her different Shrines! What festivities in her honor. What tributes of reverence have been paid to her! What an ardent longing to get possession of her relics! Thus precisely does God fulfill His promises. Ah! If only we maintained our promises to Him with the same fidelity! But when we deprive Him of His glory, do we not perhaps deprive ourselves of great merit and favor both in this world and in the next?... Courage, therefore… Be faithful in order that God may be faithful with you.
2. Today do some little work of mercy in honor of the Saint. Prepare yourself! By a good Confession to receive Our Lord Jesus Christ in a fitting manner in Holy Communion
3. As on the first day.
Let us Pray
O God, who in Thy great might didst raise up martyrs, grant, we beseech Thee, that we who celebrate the feast of Thy blessed Virgin and Martyr, Philomena, may be led by her example and brought by her to thee: Through Our Lord Jesus Christ Who, with the Father and the Holy Spirit, liveth and reigneth one God, in perfect Trinity, for ever and ever. Amen.
Saint Philomena Star of Heaven
St. Philomena, Star of Heaven
Hidden to the human eyes, tortured in Rome in mysterious time.
Sweet creature, you had your tomb in the dark caves of the catacomb.
You have all the passionate throbs of your heart to Jesus, you only love.
O pure soul, the world was pagan, crude persecutor to every Christian.
Salvation you saw in the Holy Cross, and for It you faced atrocious death.
Unknown Martyr, among the Saints you flew, candid lily among the angels praised.
Radiant Virgin among the Martyrs in Heaven.
God would dissolve the veil that make you hidden to human eyes.
Jesus Christ, supreme priest, chose you to alleviate each hour the human pains.
Come to those who invoke you, spread the divine favors, be they poor, Popes or great Kings.
Star of Heaven, young Martyr, in the land of Mugnano you founded your cradle.
Bless those who venerate you, help us all; you shine, O Philomena, in Heaven amongst the Saints!
Written by Guiseppe Boccia
The Cord of St. Philomena

The devotion to the Cord of Saint Philomena is the spontaneous result of the mercy of the faithful towards the Thaumaturgy. Its use was approved on 15 December 1883 by Pope Leo XIII, with the relevant indulgences.
In consideration of the countless graces received by intercession of the Saint, the desire of being under her powerful patronage blossomed. Everyone wanted to wear, in her honor, the blessed Cord in order to be protected in all the eventualities of life. The marvelous fruits of this devotion made her very famous.
The Saint Cure of Ars, who had many times experienced the Saint’s powers, loved seeing the faithful wearing the precious Cord and he would suggest this pious practice to everyone.
This pious devotion is a powerful aid not only to receive healing of the body, but in particular it is a defense against impure spirits. Regarding this, we wish to point out how the belts of some religious orders and the sacred parameters of the Mass are a symbol of chastity. In this way, Saint Philomena will preserve, chaste and pure, safe from temptation, those who honor her virginal purity with this holy livery. Many steeped in the new rationalism of our days, find it hard to understand how a simple cord of thread can have the virtue of healing sickness of body and spirit. But these people are short on religious education, and do not realize that a Blessing from the Holy Church can deliver extraordinary virtues even to the simplest of souls. The hand of the blessing Priest, transmits to the substances healthy virtues for the body and the spirit, thanks to the merits of Jesus Christ’s Redemption.
Saint Ignazio of Loyola, in his Exercises, insists on the necessity of having at heart all the observances approved by the Church, even if originated by popular devotions.
Therefore, if the Church approves the devotion of the Blessed Cords in honor of the Saints, we can be sure, in practicing it, to be in right Faith and to accomplish meritorious actions.
The Cord of Saint Philomena is made with threads of cotton or wool of white and red color. In one of the extremities it has two knots to remember the Virginity and Martyrdom of the Saint. This is worn under ordinary clothes like a belt.
The Cord of Saint Philomena is both a Symbol and a Prayer. A Symbol, because with it we wish to tie ourselves with the Saint with sincere devotion; a Prayer, because, holding it, we pray Saint Philomena to constantly offer us her protection.
Purpose of this devotion is therefore to obtain, by intercession of Saint Philomena, the effective means to:
• preserve chastity, everyone according to their state;
• fight the constantly increasing disbelief and strengthen oneself in faith and spirit;
• profess a constant and a particular love to the Saint Thaumaturge, in order to merit her favors in the fight against sickness of the body and soul.
The practice of the Cord is accomplished by:
• carrying with devotion the blessed Cord as a distinctive sign of the commitment taken, under the auspices of Saint Philomena and in her honor, to preserve the sacred purity and to defend the Faith;
• applying ourselves in prayer, in imitation of Saint Philomena’s model of chastity and Faith, to preserve one and the other, for the merit of her constancy in bearing the martyrdom;
• avoiding with great care all the dangerous situations regarding chastity, avoiding rigorously books and shows capable of staining purity, and of darkening the sacred light of the Faith;
• solemnizing the feast of Saint Philomena, receiving the Sacred Sacraments in those days, and that is: on the 10th of January, recurrence of her birth; the 25th of May, recurrence of the finding of her precious Body; the 10th of August, recurrence of her glorious death, and of the translation of the Body to Mugnano del Cardinale; the 13th of August, main feast of Saint Philomena, according to the decree of the High Pontiff;
• making the “Month of Saint Philomena,” from 1st of July to 10th of August, in memory of the 40 days that the Martyr spent in jail, according to the revelations made to Sister Marie Louise of Jesus;
• having the picture of Saint Philomena in our home, paying her a tribute of honor every day and, if possible, say the evening prayer, together, in front of her picture.
Any priest, authorized by the Rector of the Sanctuary, has the faculty to bless the Cord of Saint Philomena using the Roman Ritual formula. The people who wear the Cord of Saint Philomena normally recite every day the following prayer:
Prayer for those who wear the Cord
Oh Saint Philomena Virgin and Martyr, pray for us,
so that through your powerful intercession,
we may receive the purity of spirit and heart,
which leads to the perfect Love of God.
Oh Philomena!
Prayer by Venerable Pauline Marie Haricot

Favorite daughter of the Queen of the heavens,
Your mother delights in you beauty; she glories in your graceful virtue and she rejoices for the the flowers and offerings made to you by all nations.
O Philomena!
The nations applaud you for the continuous benefits received, and your name has rekindled in many souls the sweetest hope. Amiable Saint, manifest your power and come to our aid.Help us O generous Virgin and fearless Martyr to meditate the mysteries of the Faith, and help us to remain like you, faithful to Jesus Christ until death.
Oh glorious Saint Philomena
Prayer by Archbishop Msgr. Benjamin Depalma Bishop of Nola
Courageous Martyr of Christ Jesus,
chaste flower of virtue and grace,
accept the humble prayer of all who invoke your protection and your potent intercession through the heart of the Most High.
Wonderful model of hope and strength,
faithful follower of The Gospel
grant us that through the shedding of you blood
for the love of Jesus; the faith of our community grows and improves with peace and tranquillity reigning in the families devoted to you.
Docile and humble servant of the Lord,
help us to thank God every day for his kindness, as He is an affectionate and merciful Father.
May your unshakeable perseverance help us with the trials of life, in times of sorrow, in grief and when we are tempted to stray from the Holy Spirit’s loving protection.
You who found strength and comfort
in the words of the divine Master
and in the Eucharist, his body,
help us to be hungry for the Bread of heaven
and for every word spoken by God.
You who although innocent have forgiven those
who caused you suffering and unspeakable pain, make us merciful to those who cause us distress and suffering,
help us to retain the beatitude of gentleness and good will in our hearts.
Protect our children and our young.
Comfort the oppressed and the sick.
With the light of your martyrdom inspire the apostles of the Gospel and the witnesses of charity.
Rekindle the faith of those who hesitate in the path of rectitude.
Intercede for peace and justice between peoples.
For those who are torn by doubt grant them the light of truth.
And let the divine grace shine upon us all. Amen.
Innocent Virgin St. Philomena

Who gave your blood and life for the faith,
help those who pray for your favor.
Your rubicund blood, your arrows, your martyrdom, the candor of your sighs
cry out incessantly to heaven.
Grant us your strength
your faith and charity
your hope and purity
from your faithful spouse.
If you protect us
we shall defeat all our enemies
with you we shall be joyful and happy
and delight in God in Heaven.
Pray for us, Saint Philomena.
So that we are deserving of Christ’s promises.
Let us Pray: God almighty and misericordious, who has given to Saint Philomena and unconquerable constancy among the torments of martyrdom, grant us serenity in the trials of life and save us from the snares of evil! Through Christ Our Lord.
Oh Philomena we invoke you!
Author unknown
Oh Philomena we invoke you!
From The perils of life, protect us
Oh Philomena Oh Philomena
Protect us protect us
In the dark of the night protect us
In times of suffering
The enemy makes us tremble
With his enticing gaze
Oh Philomena Oh Philomena
Protect us protect us
Oh Philomena we invoke you!
Guide us on the righteous path
Oh Philomena Oh Philomena
Protect us, protect us
Lead us with your sweet smile
Through this valley of tears
Contemplating your Holy Face
We will reach our Lord and God
Oh Philomena protect us
Oh Philomena protect us
Oh Philomena we invoke you
From the evil of the world save us
Oh Philomena Oh Philomena
Save us, save us
Save us from the chains of sins
That oppresses us on this earth
Sustain us in our many sufferings
Along the path of virtue
Oh Philomena, Oh Philomena
Protect us, protect us.
Throne of Grace
by Mary Ann Matulis
Saint Philomena Virgin Martyr
from your throne of grace,
cast a look of pity
upon the human race.
Saint Philomena the wonder worker
please hear us when we pray,
and guide us through the challenges
that come to us today.
Please hear our prayers
and calm our fears,
and guide us through
this vale of tears.
Hear us when we cry out to you
in our time of need,
and your heavenly assistance
to us please do concede.
Hymn to Saint Philomena
by Raffaele Catalano

Saint Philomena,
Beautiful and pure like a flower,
Immaculate Lily,
Remain with us,
Never leave us,
Guide us to the reign of God.
Saint Philomena,
Full of candor
You bore every suffering
To marry Christ,
But your smile
Made Satan flee
And in the eternal fire he was submerged.
Faith, love,
Many are your virtues,
Purity, candor,
And you found the reign of God.
O Philomena Dwell In My Heart
by Benjamin Escobar, 13 year old; he wrote this after en encounter with the Saint during a dream.
O Philomena, dwell in my heart, my mind, my thoughts, my life. Help me to be pure like you, guide me closer to Christ.
O Philomena, pray for the souls in purgatory,
please help your lost children with whatever they may need.
O Philomena, thank you for being in my life,
for guiding me, and helping me. Amen.
Oil of St Philomena
The use of oil for anointing is an apostolic injunction. From tile Jewish primitive Church it has stood for strength, sweetness, and spiritual activity. Pure olive oil is used for the Oil of Catechumens and the Oil of the Sick. It is also an ingredient of Holy Chrism. Olive oil is prescribed to be burned in sanctuary lamps.
Frequently, oil burned at the Shrine of St. Philomena has restored sight to the blind, hearing to the deaf, speech to the inarticulate, and the power of using lifeless limbs. ,
The blessing of the Oil of Saint Philomena takes place annually on the feast of her patronage. The second Sunday in January. We could go out and buy gallons of pure olive oil for this annual blessing. but with all rituals of Holy Mother the Church. there is great symbolism involved. It is you. the devotee. who should mail to us your donation and confidence in Saint Philomena. Only a priest. who has been given the special faculties for this blessing from the Rector of the Shrine in Mugnano. Italy. can bless this Holy Oil and it rests before the relic and statue of St. Philomena at the Shrine in the Church for 15 days. Saint Philomena will animate it with the breath of living faith. The National Confraternity of St. Philomena is the place that you contact to obtain this holy and miraculous oil.
"There is in Mugnano, dressed in gold, a child Saint. She hides in her heart In infinite love. She is good. She is beautiful, She fills with grace and gives her love, To those who love her."