The Prophet St. Elijah

Prayer of The Carmelites Invoking Elijah
O Lord, the God of Abraham, Isaac and Israel,You alone are God. Your servant Elijah lived in your presence, and acted on your Word. Help us to drink from the well of his wisdom.
Shelter us in Cherith, and lead us to Carmel, luring our hearts away from all false gods. Open our eyes to the needs of those suffering. Open our mouths to speak comfort and justice.
Open our hearts to your voice in the silence. Send angels to strengthen us. Send the rain of your grace to quench our thirst. Let us break bread with the starving and bring life to places of death and despair. Send us as prophets to herald your Gospel. Allow us to rise to you in paradise. Those who met your son Jesus saw in him the spirit of Elijah. May Elijah lead us to your son. We ask this in Jesus’ name. Amen.