Sacred Head of Jesus

Novena to the Sacred Head of Jesus
Lord have mercy on us, Lord have mercy on us
Christ have mercy on us, Christ have mercy on us
Lord have mercy on us, Lord have mercy on us
Christ hear us, have mercy on us
God the Father of heaven, have mercy on us
God the Son, Redeemer of the world, have mercy on us
God the Holy Spirit, have mercy on us
Holy Trinity, One God, have mercy on us
Sacred Head of Jesus
Formed by the Holy Spirit in the womb of the Blessed Virgin Mary...Guide me in all my ways (repeat after each invocation)
Sacred Head of Jesus
Substantially united to the Word of God...Guide me in all my ways
Sacred Head of Jesus
Temple of Divine Wisdom...Guide me in all my ways
Sacred Head of Jesus
Hearth of eternal clarities...Guide me in all my ways
Sacred Head of Jesus
Sanctuary of infinite intelligence...Guide me in all my ways
Sacred Head of Jesus
Providence against error...Guide me in all my ways
Sacred Head of Jesus
Sun of heaven and earth...Guide me in all my way
Sacred Head of Jesus
Treasure of science and pledge of faith...Guide me in all my ways
Sacred Head of Jesus
Beaming with beauty, justice and love...Guide me in all my ways
Sacred Head of Jesus
Full of grace and truth...Guide me in all my ways
Sacred Head of Jesus
Living lesson of humility...Guide me in all my ways
Sacred Head of Jesus
Reflection of God's infinite majesty...Guide me in all my ways
Sacred Head of Jesus
Object of the delights of the heavenly Father...Guide me in all my ways
Sacred Head of Jesus
Who received the caresses of the Blessed Virgin Mary...Guide me in all my ways
Sacred Head of Jesus
On whom the Holy Spirit reposed...Guide me in all my ways
Sacred Head of Jesus
Who allowed a reflection of Thy Glory to shine on Tabor...Guide me in all my ways
Sacred Head of Jesus
Who had no place on earth to lay...Guide me in all my ways
Sacred Head of Jesus
To whom the perfumed ointment of Magdalen was pleasing
...Guide me in all my ways
Sacred Head of Jesus
Who deigned to tell Simon that he did not anoint Thy Head when Thou entered his house...Guide me in all my ways
Sacred Head of Jesus
Bathed in a sweat of blood in Gethsemane...Guide me in all my ways
Sacred Head of Jesus
Who wept over our sins...Guide me in all my ways
Sacred Head of Jesus
Crowned with thorns...Guide me in all my ways
Sacred Head of Jesus
Disgracefully outraged during the passion...Guide me in all my ways
Sacred Head of Jesus
Consoled by the loving gesture of Veronica...Guide me in all my ways
Sacred Head of Jesus
Which thou inclined towards the earth at the moment Thou saved us by the separation of Thy Soul from Thy Body on the cross...Guide me in all my ways
Sacred Head of Jesus
Light of every man coming into this world...Guide me in all my ways
Sacred Head of Jesus
Our Guide and our Hope...Guide me in all my ways
Sacred Head of Jesus
Who knows all our needs...Guide me in all my ways
Sacred Head of Jesus
Who dispenses all graces...Guide me in all my ways
Sacred Head of Jesus
Who directs the movements of the Divine Heart...Guide me in all my ways
Sacred Head of Jesus
Who governs the world...Guide me in all my ways
Sacred Head of Jesus
Who will judge all our actions...Guide me in all my ways
Sacred Head of Jesus
Who knows the secrets of our hearts...Guide me in all my ways
Sacred Head of Jesus
That we want to make known and adored by the whole world
...Guide me in all my ways
Sacred Head of Jesus
Who ravishes the angels and the saints...Guide me in all my ways
Sacred Head of Jesus
That we hope to contemplate one day, unveiled...Guide me in all my ways
- I adore Thy Sacred Head , oh Jesus,
- And I submit myself to all the decrees of Thine infinite Wisdom.
Let us pray
Oh Jesus, Who deigned to reveal to Thy servant Teresa Higginson Thine immense desire to see Thy Sacred Head adored, grant me the joy to make it known and honoured; let fall on my soul a ray of Thy light, in order that I may advance from charity to charity, conducted by Thine adorable Wisdom to the recompense promised to Thine elect. Amen.

Sacred Head of Jesus

Prayer to The Sacred Head to Spread the Devotion
by Teresa Higginson
O infinite Wisdom, boundless Love, how unsearchable are Thy ways! Make known, O Lord, Thy desire to have Thy Sacred Head honoured as the Seat of divine Wisdom, and to have Thy holy Soul, sorrowful unto death, comforted. Arise and show that Thou art the Almighty God. Make known the burning desire of Thy Sacred Heart. Make haste, O Lord, for Thy own dear sake. Do not delay; I conjure Thee through Thy most Precious Blood, and for Thy bitter Passion's sake. I ask Thee, O ever Blessed Trinity, in the holy name of Jesus, in honour of this same Seat of Divine Wisdom, and through the burning love of His Sacred Heart; I ask Thee in the name of Mary and Joseph, and for the salvation of souls, that Thou wilt make known and spread this Devotion. O Lord Thou knowest the desire with which I desire to satisfy Thee; yet how weak and helpless I am; and how little is yet done. Speak, Lord, and say what Thou wouldst have us do.
Imprimatur: Liverpolii die 13 Sep. 1931, + Ricardus Archiepiscopus Liverpolitanus.
Prayers of Teresa Helena Higginson
"Oh Wisdom of the Sacred Head guide us in all our ways."
"May the wisdom of the Sacred Head guide us in all our ways and the love of the Sacred Heart consume us with its fire."
Blessed be the most holy and undivided Trinity now and forever. Amen."
3 Glory Be's in honor of the Divine Will, Memory, and Understanding.
"O Seat of divine Wisdom, and guiding power which regulates and governs all the motions and love of the Sacred Heart may all minds know Thee, and all hearts love, all tongues praise Thee now and forever."
"O Mary and Joseph, all ye choirs of angels and gleaming rows of saints, raise now your minds, hearts and hands to the adorable Trinity and beg of the Holy of holies to look on those warm red drops of priceless worth, the Precious blood of Jesus which have obeyed the order of His divine wisdom and Love He has shown towards His creatures to arise and spread this light over the whole face of the earth."
O WILL, which was always in meek subjection to thy Heavenly Father's, control me in all things, as thou didst govern all the affections and motions of the Sacred Heart of the God made man.
O UNDERSTANDING, which knows all things, ever guide me with thy light.
O MEMORY, in which past, present and future are at once reflected, which is ever mindful of me, and always seems studying some new means of giving fresh favours, force me to love thee more and more. Amen.
Imprimatur, Jacobus Canonicus, Carr -- Pro Epo Liverpolitano
• Sacred Head of Jesus, bathed in a sweat of Blood in Gethsemani,
• Sacred Head of Jesus, who wept over our sins,
• Sacred Head of Jesus, crowned with thorns,
• Sacred Head of Jesus, disgracefully outraged during the Passion,
• Sacred Head of Jesus, consoled by the loving gesture of Veronica,
• Sacred Head of Jesus, that Thou inclined towards the earth at the moment Thou savest us by the separation of Thy Soul from Thy Body on the Cross,
• Sacred Head of Jesus, light of every man coming into this world,
• Sacred Head of Jesus, our guide and our hope,
• Sacred Head of Jesus, who knows all our needs,
• Sacred Head of Jesus, who dispenses all graces,
• Sacred head of Jesus, who directs the movements of the Divine Heart,
• Sacred head of Jesus, who governs the world.
• Sacred head of Jesus, who will judge all our actions,
• Sacred head of Jesus, who knows the secrets of our hearts,
• Sacred Head of Jesus, that we want to make known and adored by the whole world,
• Sacred head of Jesus, who ravishes the Angels and the Saints,
• Sacred Head of Jesus, that we hope to contemplate one day unveiled,
• We adore Thy Sacred Head, o Jesus, and we submit ourselves to all the decrees of Thine Infinite Wisdom.
Let us pray: Oh Jesus, Who designed to reveal to Thy servant Teresa Higginson Thine immense desire to see Thy Sacred Head adored, grant us the joy to make it known and honored; let fall on our souls a ray of Thy Light, in order that we may advance from clarity to clarity, conducted by Thine adorable Wisdom to the recompense promised to thine elect. Amen.