Devotion to The Most Precious Blood Of Our Lord Jesus Christ

To do this devotion properly you must purchase the book by Queenship Publishing, titled: “Devotion To The Most Precious Blood Of Our Lord Jesus Christ,” I am only introducing you to the devotion, The need to practice this devotion in the times we are living in is great. These prayers are powerful.
We are in the very last hours, the persecution of Christians has secretly begun all around the world and many are already being tortured and are dying, even in the States.
The Rosary should always be the first prayers you say daily. Then the Chaplet of the Precious Blood follows.
Our Lord gave Young Barnabas Nwoye, a series of visions, inspiring him to write everything Our Lord told him. You can learn so much from this devotion about how much Jesus suffers when we sin, and how much He loves us. The prayers themselves are refreshing to your soul. It will change your life, please get the book.
There is a copy of the devotion edited by a devoted sister in the Lord but her interpretation is different, not bad, not better, just different, and personally I would rather go right to the source, which is the book from Queenship. I appreciate all the great work she put into the edited version and it is indeed beautiful, so beautiful that I have included it in my downloads page for free, but after reading and praying both I appreciate the original myself better, just personal preference. God bless them both for all the work they have done for Our Precious Lord.
If you want to download a copy of her version you can do so
here is the link. But like I said, the complete devotion is only in the book from Queenship.
In my opinion written prayers are meant to inspire you to pray and pray using your own words so I tend not to get too wrapped up in words. Put the prayers in your own words. I think this means more to Our Lord.
I have prayed many devotions over the years and none has ushered me so quickly to Our Lords Passion and Love as this Devotion to The Most Precious Blood of Our Lord Jesus Christ. Here is what the book looks like:

Instructions for praying the Precious Blood Devotion
This is a multi-dimensional devotion: It takes only 37 minutes to pray the minimum- Pray the Rosary (say all four mysteries if you can. If not then say one mystery daily)
2 Chaplet of the Precious Blood
3 Litany of the Precious Blood of Jesus Christ
4 Consecration prayer to the Precious Blood of Jesus Christ
Gethsemane Hours
(4 hours once per week or at minimum 1 hour from 12:00 a.m. to 1:00 a.m.)
Every Thursday from 11:00 p.m. - 3:00 a.m. (These are the actual hours Our Lord suffered in the Garden of Gethsemane.) You need to do at least one hour with Jesus, It is best to pray these hours in the presence of Our Lord in exposition of the Blessed Sacrament before the tabernacle, but at the very least adore Jesus in the Blessed Sacrament online, there are many online. Jesus promises that all those who are faithful to this hour will have nothing to fear from the Antichrist.
Here are the list of prayers to say during the Gethsemane Hours:
- Rosary
2 Chaplet of the Precious Blood
3 Litany of the Precious Blood
4 Consecration prayer to the Precious Blood
5 Consolation prayers
6 Adoration prayers
7 Seven anguished appeals
8 Mystical prayers
9 And If available a Votive Mass of the Precious Blood and exposition of the Blessed Sacrament.
The Great Month of July – Every July
The Church honors the Precious Blood of Our Lord during the Great Month of July:
July 1-9, Novena of the Precious Blood in honor of the Nine Choirs of Angels
July 13-15, Three days of prayer in honor of the Most Holy Trinity
July 20-31, Twelve days of prayer for the New Israel
The prayers to be prayed during the great month of July are for the time periods above are:- Rosary
2 Caplet of the Precious Blood
3 Litany of the Precious Blood
4 Consecration to the Precious Blood
5 Consolation prayers
6 Adoration prayers
7 The anguished appeals
8 The mystical prayers
Third Friday ReparationOur Lord told Barnabas that much of the chastisement could be avoided if enough people would come together in churches and offer this day of prayer in reparation for the sins committed against the Eucharist and His Precious Blood throughout the world. If your parish does not have this day of reparation you can go to visit Jesus in the Most Blessed Sacrament and pray the prayers in the book.1. Make a good Confession, if possible, or begin with an Act of Contrition*... (page 118)
2. Meditation 1: The circumcision of Our Lord, (Read & Meditate 12 min: Gen 17: 9-14, Lev 12:3, Lk 2:21, Pray Our Father*... Hail Mary*...
3. Rosary: For the conversion of sinners and renewal of the face of the earth.
4. Meditation 2: Jesus’ sweat of blood in the Garden of Gethsemane. Lk 22:39-44, Our Father*... Hail Mary*...
5. Chaplet of the Precious Blood: For the forgiveness of sin and the grace of purity.
6. Meditation 3: The scourging at the pillar. (Matt 27:24-26, Mark 15:8-15, John 18:29-40, John 19:1) Our Father*... Hail Mary*...
7. Meditation 4: The crowning with thorns. (John 19: 2-6, Mark 15:16-20, Matt 27:27-31, Our Father*... Hail Mary*...
9. The Anguished Appeals: For the release of souls in Purgatory and the conversion of hardened sinners.
10. Meditation 5: The carrying of the cross. (Lk 23:26-32, John 19:13-17, Mark 15:21-23, Our Father*... Hail Mary*...
11. Stations of the Cross: For the Pope, the needs of the Church in these her Calvary days and for any special needs.
12. Meditation 6: The crucifixion. (John 19:17- 30, Lk 23:32-49, Mark 15: 22-41, Matt 27: 33-60, Our Father*... Hail Mary*...
13. Votive Mass of the Precious Blood: In atonement for all the sins committed against the Eucharist and the Precious Blood of Jesus in the world and for your intentions. (If available)
14. Meditation 7: The piercing of the Sacred Side of Jesus. (John 19:31-37, Our Father*... Hail Mary*...
15. Closing Prayer: Solemn Blessing of the Archangel Michael, if a priest is present and departure in silence.
Precious Blood and water from the Sacred Heart of Jesus Christ, we adore You, save us and cleanse us. Amen.
Triumph of the Cross on September 14thThis is a great celebration in this devotion and is offered in all solemnity with candlelight and song. We look forward to the day when the Triumph of the Holy Cross will become the first day of the Glorious Reign of Peace. If you can, help get this started if you don’t have this celebration in your parishes.
Consecration to the Precious Blood You pray like this for 5 months then you may present yourself to become consecrated to the Precious Blood of Jesus Christ. Any priest can perform the consecration. So mark the date you start. My advise to you is just try it, you will feel the miracle that accompanies this devotion. Then get the book from Queenship Publishing immediately, so that you can pray the devotion properly. This is not meant to replace the book, this is just so that I can spark your interest in the miracles of this devotion. *I have had many miracles since I started this devotion I was very ill when I first started praying this devotion and all my ailments have completely vanished and were replaced with a calm joyful peace that I cannot explain other than this devotion is a miracle. So get started today, it will change your life.
To Those Who Devotedly Pray the Chaplet of the Precious Blood
1. I promise to protect any person who devoutly prays this Chaplet against evil attacks.
2. I will guard his five senses.
3. I will protect him from sudden death.
4. Twelve hours before his death, he will drink My Precious Blood and eat My Body.
5. Twenty-four hours before his death, I will show him my five wounds that he may feel a deep contrition for all his sins and have a perfect knowledge of them.
6. Any person who makes a novena with it will get their intentions. His prayer will be answered.
7. I will perform many wonderful miracles through it.
8. Through it, I will destroy many secret societies and set free many souls in bondage, by My mercy.
9. Through it, I will save many souls from Purgatory.
10. I will teach him My way, he who honors My Precious Blood through this Chaplet.
11. I will have mercy on them who have mercy on My Precious Wounds and Blood.
Whoever teaches this prayer to another person will have an indulgence of four years.
To Those Who Devotedly Pray the Consolation and Adoration Prayers
1. My children, I promise to protect anyone who devotedly consoles and adores Me with this prayer against evil attacks. He will not die a sudden death. He will not be burned by fire.
2. My children, I promise to protect anyone who devotedly consoles and adores Me against the attacks of evil spirits.
3. Any soldier who prays this prayer before entering a battlefield will not be defeated. No bullet will have any effect on him.
4. If this prayer is said to a woman in labor, she will have lesser pains and any woman who devotedly says these prayers will deliver safely.
5. Put this prayer on the head of any child disturbed by evil spirits, My Cherubim will protect him.
6. I promise to protect any family from lightning and thunder effects, and any house where this prayer is will be protected against storms.
7. If this prayer is said to the dying before his death, I promise that his soul will not
be lost.
8. Any sinner who consoles and adores Me through this prayer will obtain conversion.
9. I promise to protect them with My Precious Blood and hide them in My Holy Wounds all who console and adore Me. Poison will have no effect on them. I will guard their five senses.
10. I promise to baptize aborted children who are killed daily in the world, and put a deep contrition on the hearts of their parents through the power of My Precious Blood.
11. All who devotedly console and adore Me with this prayer until death will join the heavenly Armies and Choirs. I will give them the Morning Star.
To Those Who Hear or Pray the Anguished Appeals
1. Children, whenever the Reparation Prayer is said with love, I promise to convert the
twelve most hardened sinners in the world.
2. I will allow my Precious Blood to flow into every soul that hears this prayer said. Their love for Me will grow.
3. I will forgive the sins of a nation that turns back to Me through this prayer. They will not suffer the weight of the curses due to their sins.
For All Those Who Devoutly Observe the Gethsemane Hours
1. All who remain in Gethsemane with Me will receive a special grace from Me to withstand hard trials. I promise to sustain them with a special grace of faith and love.
2. During their hour of trials, I will console them, because they console me, now that I am in agony.
3. Those who are faithful to this hour will have nothing to fear from the antichrist.
On the Crown of Thorns
1. I will heal the wounds of their hearts, those who adore My Sacred Head through this Crown.
2. I will console those who console Me through this Crown.
3. I will open the ocean of the Divine Mercy on those who adore the wounds of My Sacred Head through this Crown.
4. All who adore the Most Precious Blood from My Sacred Head through this Crown will receive the grace of Divine Wisdom.
5. I will guard their five senses.
6. When you touch this Crown with love, I will allow a drop of My Blood to fall on your head.
7. I will renew the love of a repented sinner who can mercifully adore My Sacred
Head with this Crown.
8. There is always a sprinkle of My Most Precious Blood wherever this thorn is, I am not far; I am near.
9. I will crown his head with a victorious crown, anyone who adores the Sacred Wounds and Blood of My Sacred Head through this Crown.
10. I promise to show them My Sacred Head one day before they die, all who love their crown and adore My Sacred Head through it, so as to have perfect knowledge of their sins and repent.
11. On 15 September 2001, Our Lady asked her Son Jesus to bless the Crown of Thorns with healing power.
To Those Who Devotedly Venerate The Agonizing Crucifix
1. To prepare you for the battle, I give you My Agonizing Crucifix. I promise to protect anyone who has this Crucifix against the evil forces.
2. Through this Crucifix, I will deliver many from captivity.
3. Whenever you raise this Crucifix against evil power, I will open heaven and let My Precious Blood flow to subdue the evil power.
4. I will let My Precious Blood fl ow from all My Sacred Wounds and cover all who venerate My Wounds and Blood through this Crucifix.
5. I promise to protect any house where this Crucifix is against any destructive power
in the hour of darkness.
6. I promise to perform numerous miracles through this Crucifix.
7. I will break their hearts of stone and pour My love on them that venerate My Agonizing Crucifix.
8. I promise also to draw straying souls closer to Myself through this Crucifix.
9. Children, in the days of the evil one you will be able to go freely without any harm through this Crucifix.
Finally, Our Lord emphasized; “Children, through this Cross I will conquer. This Cross will soon be a victorious Cross.”
*Remember to get the devotional book called Devotion to the Most Precious Blood of our Lord Jesus Christ from Queenship publishing.
If you are looking for other
Precious Blood prayers please see our Precious Blood page under Jesus and here.