The Chastisement

Chaplet to shorten the Chastisement
Taken from the Psalms of King David

(To be said on the same chaplet beads as the Holy Face chaplet: see here:
*On the Crucifix: Hear O God my voice, in my lament; from the dreaded enemies preserve my life. Shelter me against the brood of vipers, against the evil ones in high places who sharpen their tongues like swords, who aim like arrows their bitter lies. Shooting at the them without fear. They resolve on their wicked plan, they conspire to set snares, saying “ who will see us?” They devise a wicked scheme and conceal the scheme they have devised; deep are the thoughts of each heart; but God sees them all and shoots his arrows at then, suddenly they are struck. He brings them down by their own tongues; all who see them nod their heads. May all people fear and proclaim the mighty work of God and ponder what He has done. The just are glad in the Lord and take refuge in Him, in Him all the upright of heart rejoice.
*On the next five beads say:
- By The Most Precious Blood and Holy Face of Jesus Christ may we have the Grace of a Holy Death perfectly united to Your Sacred Heart.
- May those who seek to destroy Your innocent children be converted like St. Paul.
- May the mouths of those who speak falsely about Your innocent ones be stopped.
- May all resources the evil one and his agents use to harm Your innocent ones be dried up forever.
- May the Precious Blood of Jesus Christ and all his wounds increase our faith, keep us pure and help us to love You Father, Son and Holy Spirit as You deserve to be loved.
On the medal say:The Golden Arrow
May the most holy, most sacred, most adorable, most incomprehensible and unutterable Name of God be always praised, blessed, loved, adored and glorified in Heaven, on earth, and under the earth, by all the creatures of God, and by the Sacred Heart of Our Lord Jesus Christ in the Most Holy Sacrament of the Altar. Amen.
*On each of the six large beads say: Eternal Father in honor of The Most Precious Blood of Jesus Christ, rescue now Your Children from the plans and schemes of the wicked.
*On the thirty three small beads say: Most Precious Blood of Jesus Christ; end now, the torture and killing of Your children on earth.
*On the medal at the end say: Deign, Oh God to rescue me, O Lord make hasted to help me, let them be brought to shame and confounded who seek my life. Let them be turned back in disgrace who desire my ruin. Let them retire in their shame who seek to harm the innocent. But may all who seek you Lord God exult and be glad in You, and may all those who love You say forever, ‘God be glorified!’
But help me quickly O God for I am afflicted, hasten to me, for You are my helper and my deliverer and in You I trust. Amen.
*Then as in the Holy Face Chaplet pray Three (3) times: O Mary conceived without sin, Patroness of the United States of America, pray for us who have recourse to Thee.
*Then pray: Lord Jesus Christ May we live always in Your presence and die in Your Grace.
Dies Irae

That Day Of Wrath, that dreadful day,
When heaven and earth shall pass away,
Both David and the Sibyl say.
What terror then shall us befall,
When lo, the Judge’s steps appall,
About to sift the deeds of all.
The mighty trumpet’s marvellous tone
Shall pierce through each sepulchral stone
And summon all before the throne.
Now Death and Nature in amaze
Behold the Lord His creatures raise,
To meet the Judge’s awful gaze.
The books are opened, that the dead
May have their doom from waht is read,
The record of our conscience dread.
The Lord of judgment sits Him down,
And every secret thing makes known;
No crime escapes His vengeful frown.
Ah, how shall I that day endure?
What partron’s friendly voice secure,
When scarce the just themselves are sure?
O King of dreadful majesty,
Who grantest grace and mercy free,
Grant mercy now and grace to me.
Good Lord, ’twas for my sinful sake,
That Thou our suffering nature didst take;
Then do not now my soul forsake.
In weariness Thy sheep was sought;
Upon the Cross His life was bought;
Alas, if all in vain were wrought.
O just avenging Judge, I pray,
For pity take my sins away,
Before the great accounting-day.
I groan beneath the guilt, which Thou
Canst read upon my blushing brow;
But spare, O God, Thy suppliant now.
Thou who didst Mary’s sins unbind,
And mercy for the robber find,
Dost filled with hope my anxious mind.
My feeble prayers can make no claim,
Yet, gracious Lord, for Thy great Name,
Redeem me from the quenchless flame.
At Thy right hand, give me a place
Among Thy sheep, a child of grace,
Far from the goats’ accursed race.
Yea, when Thy justly kindled ire
Shall sinners hurl to endless fire,
Oh, call me to Thy chosen choir.
In suppliant prayer I prostrate bend,
My contrite heart like ashes rend,
Regard, O Lord, my latter end.
Oh, on that day, that tearful day,
When man to judgment wakes from clay,
Be thou the trembling sinner’s stay,
And spare him, God, we humbly pray.
Yea, grant to all, O Saviour Blest,
Who die in Thee, the Saints’ sweet rest.