Brown Scapular

Order of Our Lady of Mount Carmel (Carmelites) A.D. 1251

"The Brown Scapular of our Lady of Mount Carmel," associated with the Carmelite Order, is the most well-known. In A.D. 16 July 1251, Our Lady appeared to St. Simon Stock in Cambridge, England after he prayed for help for his Order. She appeared to him with the scapular and said, "Take, beloved son this scapular of thy order as a badge of my confraternity and for thee and all Carmelites a special sign of grace; whoever dies in this garment, will not suffer everlasting fire. It is the sign of salvation, a safeguard in dangers, a pledge of peace and of the covenant."
Blessed Virgin Mary to Saint Dominic, "One day through the Rosary and Scapular I will save the world. Whosoever dies clothed in this (scapular) shall not suffer eternal fire." This is Mary's Promise made July 16, 1261 to St. Simon Stock.
The devils revealed to Francis of Yepes, the brother of St. John of the Cross, that three things especially tormented them. The first is the Name of Jesus; the second, the Name of Mary, and the third, the Brown Scapular of Our Lady of Mt. Carmel. "Take off that habit," they cried to him, "which snatches so many souls from us. All those clothed in it die piously and escape us."
Your SCAPULAR, then should take on deep meaning for you. It is a rich present brought down from Heaven by OUR LADY HERSELF.
"Wear it devoutly and perseveringly," she says to each soul. "It is my garment. To be clothed in it means you are continually thinking of me, and I in turn, am always thinking of you and helping you to secure eternal life."
The Scapular was given to St. Simon Stock, and the devotion spread and was well-known by the 16th c. What can be safely believed because of papal decree is the promise known as the "Sabbatine Privilege." The Sabbatine Privilege is the promise that Our Lady will intercede and pray for those in Purgatory who, in earthly life: wore the Scapular in good faith; were chaste according to their state in life; daily recited the Divine Office or, with the permission of one's Confessor, the Little Office of Our Lady [a shorter form of the Divine Office in honor of the Blessed Virgin Mary, or the Rosary; and departed earthly life in a state of Divine Grace.
You can be enrolled in the Confraternity of our Lady of Mount Carmel by any priest. Just obtain a scapular, take it to him to have it blessed, and express your desire for enrollment.
Warning: Some falsely believe that wearing the Brown Scapular offers some sort of guarantee of salvation because of the legendary words attributed to Our Lady. This is against Church teaching, is superstitious and a grave error. Sacramentals are not magical ways to manipulate God; they are Church-instituted rituals/objects that remind us of what we are supposed to be doing/thinking of, that depend on the faith, hope and love of the user, and which help prepare us to receive God's saving grace. One must do more than "wear the scapular"; one must wear it worthily.
Prayer of St. Simon Stock
O beautiful Flower of Carmel, most fruitful vine, Splendor of Heaven, holy and singular, who brought forth the Son of God, still ever remaining a Pure Virgin, assist me in this necessity. O Star of the sea, help and protect me! Show me that Thou art my Mother.
O Mary, conceived without sin, pray for us who have recourse to Thee!
Mother and Ornament of Carmel, Pray for us!
Virgin, Flower of Carmel, Pray for us!
Patroness of all who wear the Scapular, Pray for us!
Hope of all who die wearing the Scapular, Pray for us!
St. Joseph, Friend of the Sacred Heart, Pray for us!
St. Joseph, Chaste Spouse of Mary, Pray for us!
St. Joseph, Our Patron, Pray for us!
O sweet Heart of Mary, Be our salvation! Amen.
Procedure for and Investiture
P: Show us, O Lord, They mercy.
R: And grant us Thy salvation.
P: Lord hear my prayer.
R: and let my cry come unto Thee.
P: The Lord be with you.
R: And with your spirit.
P: Lord Jesus Christ, Saviour of the human race, sanctify by They power these scapulars, which for love of Thee and for love of Our Lady of Mount Carmel. Thy servants will wear devotedly, so that through the intercession of the same Virgin Mary, Mother of God, and protected against the evil spirits, they persevere until death in Thy grace, Thou who liveth and reigneth world without end. Amen.
The Priest does the Aspersion and invests the person, saying:
P: Receive this blessed scapular and beseech the Blessed Virgin that through Her merits, you may wear it without stain. May it defend you against all adversity and accompany you to eternal life. Amen.
After investiture the Priest continues with the prayers:
P: I, by the power vested in me, admit you to participate in all the spiritual benefits obtained through the mercy of Jesus Christ by the Religious Order of Mount Carmel. In the name of the Father and of the Son and of the holy Spirit. Amen. May God Almighty, the Creator of Heaven and earth, bless you, He who has deigned to join you to the Confraternity of the Blessed Virgin of Mount Carmel: We beseech Her to crush the head of the ancient serpent so that you may enter into possession of your eternal heritage through Christ our Lord.
R: Amen.