Blended Family Wedding Vows | wedding vows |

Blended Family Wedding Vows

This is a nice example of a blended family wedding vow:

“No greater gift has God granted Man and Women than the love that makes two people one. To behold love blossoming between two souls is always a joy, and to behold the vows of lovers as they take each to the other, throughout all the changes of life, is a glorious moment of the soul. It speaks of the great conviction by which people mutually rely upon and believe in one another. In a world where the unexpected happens daily and life falls short of our expectations, it is a wonderful tribute to love that two hearts joining hands in perfect faith can unite in the hope of loving each other forever, and we the lucky, to be the witness of such a love.

Into this loving legacy, Gina and David come now to be united forever in Our Lord, joined by Argento and Windy who are here affirming the love between them and their father, and affirming their acceptance of Gina into their lives as teacher, guide, and friend. By joining together in this ceremony of love, they four are saying yes to love, yes to caring, and yes to the family.

This celebration is the outward sign and covenant of a sacred and inward union of hearts, which the church may bless and the state make legal, this union is created by the loving purpose of God and kept by the abiding will of Gina, David, Argento, and Windy, as they begin life anew from this day forward.”

“David, is it your desire to take Gina as your wife, and do you welcome her as your lifelong companion, best friend, and confidant all the days of your life?


Will you honor, love, cherish, comfort and keep her, in good times and bad, in sickness and health, all the days of your life?

“I will.”

And will you respect and uphold her in her role as teacher, guide, and friend for Argento and Windy, preserving the unity of family love with all sincerity and affection?

“I will.”

Gina, is it your desire to have David become your husband, and do you welcome him as your lifelong companion, best friend and confidant all the days of your life?


Will you honor, love, cherish, comfort and keep him, in good times and bad, in sickness and health, all the days of your life?

“I will.”

And do you willingly assume the role of teacher, guide, and friend for Argento and Windy, preserving the unity of family love with all sincerity and affection?

“I will.”

Argento and Windy, will you accept and respect the love that your father and Gina have for you and for each other?

“We will.”

May you always feel the love and safety of God in your home may you always feel his light lighting the path of your family life.


Into this perfect bond of love you have now become joined by God, may your love last forever.

Please turn toward one another and join hands.

David, repeat after me:

I David take you Gina
As my friend and love
Beside me and apart from me
In laughter and in tears
In conflict and tranquility
Loving you for who you are,
Trusting what I don’t yet know
In all the ways that life may find us,
But knowing in my heart that we will be forever one.

Gina, repeat after me:

I Gina take you David
As my friend and love
Beside me and apart from me
In laughter and in tears
In conflict and tranquility
Loving you for who you are,
Trusting what I don’t yet know
In all the ways that life may find us,
But knowing in my heart that we will be forever one.

Exchange of Rings and Gifts

Gina and David have chosen these rings to symbolize their vows, and gifts for the children to show, how unending is their love.

Argento, may I have the bride’s ring, please?

David, please place your ring on Gina’s finger, and let it be a seal of your mutual affection and fidelity.

Repeat after me:

Gina, I give you this ring
As a sign of my love and faith
With this ring I marry you
And join my life to yours forevermore.

Windy, may I have the groom’s ring, please?

Gina, please place your ring on David’s finger, and let it be a seal of your mutual affection and fidelity.

Repeat after me:

David, I give you this ring
As a sign of my love and faith
With this ring I marry you
And join my life to yours forevermore.

Please speak words of love and faith to your children as you present your gifts.

Sand Ceremony

David, Gina, Argento and Windy will now mingle vials of sand to represent the blending of their lives into a new family. As each grain of sand has many facets, so too they each possess unique qualities—some known, some unknown. Although their lives are joining and will be blended in many ways, each of them will remain a unique individual, distinct from the others. May this blending preserve the best qualities of each member of the family, and may every new day be one of discovery as they grow together in the love and knowledge of one another.


Forasmuch as David and Gina have consented together in the bond of marriage, and have pledged their love to one another and to their children - by the joining of hands, the exchanging of rings, and the presentation of gifts—I declare that they are husband and wife, and that they are no longer two, but one, united in love, by God the Father, God the Son, and God the Holy Spirit, what God has blended together let no one put apart, ever.

Congratulations, you may kiss the Bride and hug the children!

Please turn to face your guests.

It is my great honor to present to you, Mr. and Mrs. David and Gina Rivisto and family!

Go in peace to love and serve the Lord!”.

What are Blended Family Wedding Vows?

Blended family wedding vows offer a more integrated approach to the blending of two families together in marriage. The difference is that while traditional couples recite vows to each other only, blended family wedding vows includes the children in the reciting of the wedding vows.

There may be circumstances including the children from previous relationships why this is the more logical route to go. It can be so much richer to add the exchange of wedding vows of the bride and groom and their newly blended family as well? Adding the children to the ceremony is a great way to get the marriage off to a great start, letting all the children know that they are valued members of the new union, you're making the kids a part of a very special and life changing event, a moment to remember forever!

Three there are items to keep in mind when developing your blended family wedding vows, that is what we will consider first.

Benefits of Including Family Members in Your Wedding Vows

How to Blend Family Wedding Vows

1. Don't word the vows as questions that require the children to respond.

You're more likely to create an embarrassing moment rather than a treasured one.

2. Never refer to yourself in your vows as the "New" or "Another" mother or father.

This can generate animosity among the children not to mention an affront to their other parents. Use words like parent, or guardian and friend.

3. Keep the wedding vows basic and genuine.

Don't try to over do it with mushy sentimentality, stay sincere and eliminate all the melodrama.

4. For older children try including them into the wedding precession as well!

Have the soon to be son-n-law give the bride away and have the soon to be daughter-n-law escort the groom.

5. Giving gifts to the children is an ideal way to show your devotion to the newly extended family.

Try offering the child (ren) a unity ring made from silver or white gold with their name and the wedding date engraved. (As in the example vows above)

6. Offering the children the opportunity to light the unity candle during the wedding vows is an especially touching token!

Having special candles engraved with their names and the wedding date can be a great way to get the children involved in the ceremony.

This is your special day so try not to make it too complicated. The simpler you keep it the more relaxing and memorable it will be. Make it a moment that the entire family and your guests will cherish forever.