Wedding Toasts

Wedding Toasts

Free Wedding Toasts

Are you looking for a short wedding toast? Here is a gallery of wedding toasts that will save you a ton of time, all for free.

As a wedding planner, I've heard many wedding toasts. Some good and some great and some well... let's just say I felt for the Bride & Groom. I am going give you some tips to help you give a great toast at the reception, whether you are the Bride the Groom the Best Man or the Maid of Honor you will love this page and feel free to send your friends here too, they will thank you.

1. The best wedding toasts, come from the heart. As you're writing, think of things that you really admire about the bride and groom. Identify who the speech/toast is about and what role you play in the wedding. Once you do that, just take a sheet of paper (or pull up a word processing program on your Mac or PC) and start jotting down some ideas about the couple (or person) you will be centering your speech around. Don't worry if your thoughts are jumbled at the moment - Just write whatever comes to mind. Upon completing that, you want to organize your main ideas into an easy to read outline. From there, you'll know what points you need to emphasize on (which is where you can add more content) and what things you might just want to mention briefly. This one of the biggest keys to your speech.

List those items here:

2. Why are you friends with them? What character qualities do they have that you would like your children to emulate some day?
List those items here:

2. Don't try too hard to be funny. What are some times you spent together that were really memorable and funny. Use humor where appropriate, but let it come naturally. Keep the inside jokes to a minimum so that the rest of the guests don't feel left out of the loop.

List those times here:

3. Keep it simple and brief: 2-3 minutes is best. Write your toast so that it has a beginning, middle, and end, just like in middle school. Don't ramble on please.

4. Please whatever you do, don't mention exes, don't even mention them, even if they were part of the funniest memory you share with the groom or bride.

5. Hold the microphone close to your mouth.

6. Practice makes perfect. This sounds simple, but write your toast and then practice it in front of the mirror, timing yourself to be sure it is under 3 minuites. If speaking in public makes you nervous, don't be afraid to read from your notes. Reading your toast instead of memorizing it doesn't negate anything you've written or make it any less special to the bride and groom.

7. Have two but no more than two cocktails before you make the toast/speach. Your listeners will thank you, and you won't stammer. Alcohol make us more bold but this is not a time to venture off course, stick to the script.

Writing speeches may not be fun. Admit it - It's not something that most of us do on a daily basis, so when the time comes for us to write one, we freeze up like a fish out of water. The mere fact that you will probably be reciting your toast in front of a large crowd can make your palms get sweaty just thinking about it, you want everything to come off great, right? A terrific speech or toast will make a wonderful memory to carry through the years, as opposed to a bomb that will also be remembered for years to come, but not for good reasons.

Best Man Wedding Toasts

I rise to offer a toast to the Bride. May this day be the beginning of a new chapter in a love story that will endure forever, and bring joy and happiness to her and her new husband. May she always remember the vows she made today and let them be the strong foundation on which their life together will be built.

Here is to my friend. Today I had the honor to stand beside him on this most important day, as he has so often stood by me in good times and bad. I wish him and his lovely bride nothing but happiness, prosperity, and good health for as long as they shall live.

A toast to the groom. He has shown us all his wisdom and his good taste in the selection of his bride, and his understanding of reality in his selection of me as the best man. Even though I may be the best, today he has shown that it is he has the most luck.

I propose a toast to the guests who have honored the lucky couple with their presence today. I know that is the love and support of their families and friends that enabled them to make the journey that came to such a happy ending. I pray all of you will always continue to love and support them in the coming years. May God bless everyone of you always.

Let us lift our glasses and salute our beautiful bridesmaids. They were like flowers as they surrounded the Bride today. It was truly beauty surrounding beauty. I salute the love and affection between them and the Bride and I am curious as to if any of them have any plans for next weekend? To the Bridesmaids! Cheers!

Maid of Honor Wedding Toast

(Bride), we have shared so much our lives with each other. I am so honored to be sharing this day with you. Starting today, you will begin to share a life with (groom), but remember that I will always be here for you and always ready to stand up by your side. Here’s to our everlasting friendship!

It can be hard to share your best friend with someone else, but I have been thrilled to share (Bride) with (Groom.) The love you show to each other is inspiring and beautiful and I look forward to seeing it continue to grow. I am honored to be able to raise a toast to my wonderful best friend and her new husband. To (Bride) and (Groom)!

Someone once said that in order to make a marriage work, there should be space in your togetherness. To be honest, I hope there is a lot of space in your togetherness because I don’t want to miss out my weekly manicure appointment with (Bride!) Seriously though, in times when you are together in the same room or across town or even the world, remember the love that you feel today and I know you will always be happy in your togetherness. To the Bride and Groom!

Brides Wedding Toasts

To my wonderful new husband, who has shown me what love really is. Who is the reason for my happy days and the comfort in my sad ones. Who cheers my successes and comforts me in my failures. I am so proud to be your wife. I love you. Cheers!

A toast to my new husband, who has put up with my crying spells, saved me from chocolate cravings, helped me pick out nail polish colors, waited patiently while I changed my clothes for the 100th time, learned to put the toilet seat down, and who just signed up to do it forever. To (groom), the most patient man on the planet!

More, Short Wedding Toasts

Here's to the bride - may she share everything with her husband...and that includes the housework.

Here's to the groom, a man who kept his head even while he lost his heart.

Here's to the new husband, and here's to the new wife, may they remain lovers, for all of life.

Let your love endure beyond the last sunset.

May thy life be long and happy,
Thy cares and sorrows few;
And the many friends around thee
Prove faithful, fond and true.
May your voyage through life be as happy and as free
As the dancing waves on the deep blue sea

May your love be added, may it never be subtracted, may your household multiply, and may your hearts never be divided!!

(Groom), take (Bride)'s hand and place your hand over hers. Now, remember this moment and cherish it... because this will be the last time you'll ever have the upper hand!"

May a flock of blessings light upon thy back. (Shakespeare - Romeo and Juliet)

Here's to the groom with bride so fair,
And here's to the bride with groom so rare!
Here's to marriage: one soul in two bodies.

Here’s to the prettiest, here’s to the wittiest, here’s to the truest of all who are true, here’s to the neatest one, here’s to the sweetest one, here’s to them in one – here’s to you!

But rich or poor, quick or slow,
May you know nothing but happiness
From this day forward.

For each petal on the shamrock this brings a wish your way.
Good health, good luck, and happiness for today and every day.

Health and a long life to you.
Land without rent to you.
A child every year to you.
And if you can't go to heaven,
May you at least die in Ireland.

Here's to a sweetheart, a bottle, and a friend.
The first beautiful, the second full, the last ever faithful.

Here's to health and prosperity,
To you and all your posterity.
And them that doesn't drink with sincerity,
That they may be damned for all eternity!

Here's to my bride: she knows everything about me, yet loves me just the same.

Look down you gods, and on this couple drop a blessed crown

May "for better or worse" be far better than worse.

May all your hopes and dreams come true, and may the memory of this day become dearer with each passing year.

May all your ups and downs
come only in the bedroom.

May God be with you and bless you.

May I see you grey
And combing your grandchildren's hair.

May the best of your yesterdays be the worst of your tomorrows

May the blessings of light be upon you,
Light without and light within.
And in all your comings and goings,
May you ever have a kindly greeting
From them you meet along the road.

May the future hold your happiness, May the future hold your health. May your heart hold your love, and may your arms hold your babies, yet to come. Here’s to your future happiness together!

May the joys of today
Be those of tomorrow.
The goblets of life
Hold no dregs of sorrow.

May the joys you share today be the beginning of a lifetime of great happiness and fulfillment

May the light of friendship guide your paths together.
May the laughter of children grace the halls of your home.
May the joy of living for one another trip a smile from your lips,
a twinkle from your eye.

May the love you've expressed to each other today always be the first thoughts during any trying times in the future.

May the most you wish for
Be the least you get.

May the road rise up to meet you,
May the wind be ever at your back,
May the sun shine warm upon your face,
The rain fall soft upon your fields,
And until we meet again,
May God hold you in the hollow of his hand.
And may you be in Heaven
a half hour before the devil knows you're dead."

May the saddest day of your future be no worse
Than the happiest day of your past.

May there always be work for your hands to do.
May your purse always hold a coin or two.
May the sun always shine warm on your windowpane.
May a rainbow be certain to follow each rain.
May the hand of a friend always be near you.
And may God fill your heart with gladness to cheer you.

May there be a generation of children
On the children of your children.

May we never forget what is worth remembering or remember what is best forgotten.

May you be friends to each other as only lovers can; and may you love each other as only best friends can.

May you be poor in misfortune,
Rich in blessings,
Slow to make enemies,
And quick to make friends.

May you both live as long as you want, and never want as long as you live

May you get all your wishes but one,
So you always have something to strive for.

May you grow old together on one pillow.

May you have all the happiness
and luck that life can hold—
And at the end of all your rainbows
may you find a pot of gold.

May you have food and raiment, A soft pillow for your head, May you be 100 years in heaven Before the devil know you’re dead

May you have love, health & wealth; but most importantly, may you have the time to enjoy them all.

May you have warm words on a cold evening,
A full moon on a dark night,
And the road downhill all the way to your door.

May you know nothing but happiness from this day forward.

May you live each day like your last, and live each night like your first.

May you never lie, cheat or drink. But if you must lie, lie with each other. And if you must cheat, cheat death. And if you must drink, drink with us for we all love you and wish you both the love and happiness of which you deserve.

May you see each other through many dark days,
and make all the rest a little brighter.

May your glasses be ever full.
May the roof over your heads be always strong.
And may you be in heaven half an hour
before the devil knows you're dead.

May your heart be light and happy,
May your smile be big and wide,
And may your pockets always have
a coin or two inside

May your heart be warm and happy
With the lilt of loud laughter
Every day in every way
And forever and ever after.

May your hearts be as warm as your hearthstone.

May your joys be as deep as the Ocean, and your troubles as light as its foam.

May your love be modern enough to survive the times and old-fashioned enough to last forever!

May your refrigerator always be filled with Budweiser, and may all of your ups and down’s be under the covers.

May your thoughts be as glad as the shamrocks.
May your hearts be as light as a song.
May each day bring you bright happy hours,
That stay with you all year long.

May your troubles be less and your blessings be more.
And nothing but happiness come through your door.

My wish is that your marriage will be a thing of beauty and a joy forever, always as beautiful as you are today (bride). And may the loveliness of your marriage increase with each year. Here’s to the bride and groom.

Never forget what is worth remembering or remember what is best forgotten

Remember the love you feel today. Look back on it daily and measure how much it has grown.

To keep your marriage brimming, with love in the wedding cup, whenever you're wrong, admit it; whenever you're right, shut up.

A good marriage is at least 80 percent good luck in finding the right person at the right time. The rest is trust.

A successful marriage requires falling in love many times, always with the same person.

Funny wedding humor, marriage jokes, funny wedding one-liners..

Here are some absolutely Free Wedding Toasts and Speech Samples, Wedding Toast Etiquette Tips, Wedding Jokes and Humor and Famous Marriage Quotes That you can use in your wedding speech or toast right now.

Free advice and lifesaving tips on toasting for all wedding speakers.

Now, if you are short on time, you should try using a pre-written speech and just modify it to your liking. This saves a tons of time, and also makes your speech sound great! Wedding Speeches is a good place to get prewrittes speaches, really good ones that will make you sound very intelligent and will really move your crowd.

Here are some really great wedding toasts and proverbs

'Tis not so bad a world,
As some would like to make it;
But whether good or whether bad:
Depends on how you take it.

Where the willingness
is great, the difficulties
cannot be great.
Niccolo Machiavelli

What do you
live for, if it is
not to make life
less difficult for
each other?
George Eliot

When you get in a tight place and everything
goes against you, till it seems as if you could
not hold on a minute longer, never give up
then, for that's just the place and time the
tide will turn.
Harriet Beecher Stowe

Those who never risk will never lose.
But neither will they grow.
Those who never feel will never cry.
But neither will they laugh.
Those who never love will never hurt.
But neither will they live.

One man in a thousand, Solomon says,
Will stick more close than a brother.
But the thousandth man will stand by
your side to the gallows-foot-after!
Rudyard Kipling

No man's advice is
entirely worthless.
Even a watch that
won't run is right
twice a day.

One of the great mysteries and discoveries
is that a human being can
alter his life by altering his attitude.

Most of us only ask
for advice when we
know the answer but
want a different one.

Why not today;
Mend a quarrel
Seek out a forgotten friend
Write a love letter
Share some treasure
Give a soft answer
Encourage youth
Keep a promise
Find the time
Forgive an enemy
Apologize if you were wrong
Think first of someone else
Be kind and gentle
Laugh a little
Laugh a little more
Express your gratitude
Gladden the heart of a child
Take pleasure in the beauty
and wonder of the earth
Speak your love
Speak it again
Speak it still once again.
Kathy Davis

Self-discipline is
when your conscience
tells you to
do something and
you don't talk back.

Take time to play-
It is the secret of perpetual youth.

I find the great thing
in this world is not so
much where we stand,
as in what direction
we are moving.
Oliver Wendell Holmes

We are continually faced with a series of
great opportunities brilliantly disguised
as insolvable problems.
John W. Gardner

Contentment is not the fulfillment of what you want,
But the realization of how much you already have.
Kiki Knickerbocker

Our greatest danger in
life is in permitting the
urgent things to crowd
out the important.
Oliver Wendell Holmes

Let go of the question
and the answer will

He who can suppress a
moment's anger may
prevent a day of sorrow.

He who permits himself to tell a
lie once, finds it much easier to
do it a second time.
Thomas Jefferson

All that a man gets by lying is that he is
not believed when he speaks the truth.

Experience is the
hardest kind of
teacher. It gives
you the test first,
and the lesson

The chains of habit
are generally too
small to be felt until
they are too strong
to be broken.
Samuel Johnson

You can observe a lot
by just watching.
Yogi Berra

Sometimes running
to grab the camera
forces you to miss
the photograph
entirely ...

Each night pause and remember some
wonderful adventure, or lovely thing.

There is a pleasure in
the pathless woods.
Lord Byron

Consider how hard it is to change yourself
and you will understand what little chance
you have trying to change each other.

Criticism never built a house,
wrote a play,
composed a song,
painted a picture,
or improved a marriage.

Silence is one of the hardest
arguments to refute.
Silence is the ultimate
weapon of power.
Charles de Gaulle

Beauty is not in the face;
Beauty is a light in the heart.
Kahlil Gibran

Here's to you both-a
beautiful pair,
on the first celebration
of your love affair.
May your coming anniversaries
be outnumbered only
by your coming pleasures.
The time to be happy
is now; the place to be
happy is here.
Robert G. Ingersoll

Celebrate the simple pleasures:
Awaken to nature's beauty
Rejoice in small miracles
Smile at a stranger
Hug the one you love
Be good to yourself
Build your bridge,
Sing your song,
Make your mark,
Don't forget to fly.
Stop waiting for tomorrow
The time to be happy is now

'Tis hard to tell which is best,
Music, Food, Drink, or Rest.
To the sun that warmed the vineyard,
To the juice that turned to wine,
To the host that cracked the bottle,
And made it yours and mine.
Here's to your good health,
and your family's good health,
and may you all live long and prosper.
Rip Van Winkle

The most evident token and apparent
sign of true wisdom is a constant and
unconstrained rejoicing.
Michael de Montaigne

The most important aspect
of communication is to hear
what isn't being said!
A true diplomat is someone who
can tell you to go to hell in a way
that makes you look forward to
the trip.

A man travels the world over
in search of what he needs
and returns home to find it.
George Moore

Sorrow looks back, worry
looks around, faith looks up.
For everyone that asketh
receiveth; and he that
seeketh /indeth; and to
him who knocketh. it
shall be opened.

Prayer changes everything.
believe in mystery and miracles and the magic of a new day.
believe in angels and natural wonder and the beauty inside of people.
believe in rainbows and happy endings and dreams coming true.
believe in a bright-and-shining tomorrow ahead for me and you.

Thank you for believing in me, before I believed in myself.
Kobi Yamada

If somebody believes in you, and you believe in your dreams, it can happen.
Tiffany Bangs

I have lived to
thank God
that all my
prayers have
not yet been

Faith consists in
believing when it
is beyond the
power of reason
to believe.

All that I have seen
teaches me to trust
the Creator for all I
have not seen.
Ralph Waldo Emerson

It was the excitement of making a new best friendthe
best, the purest feeling I have ever known.
Keith Hale
Thanks for being my go-everywhere-do-everything,
tell-each-other-anything, forget-our-troubles, like-thesame-
stuff, laugh-till-it-hurts, together-or-apart ...
pick-up-where-we-left-off, be-ourselves, keep-eachother's-
secrets, have-fun-doing-whatever, couldn'twant-
a-better, always-and-forever friend.
You are always there when I need you ...
a smile when I am down,
tissues when I cry,
praise when I do well,
advice when I ask,
support when I am unsure,
pride when I succeed,
and a friend when I am in need ...

A life spent making mistakes
is more honorable but more
useful than a life spent doing
George Bernard Shaw

There is a captivating quality about
people who devote themselves passionately
to creating a beauty, born of their
own vision, and who are willing to
wait to harvest their dreams.
Nancy Lindemeyer
Victoria Magazine-May 1990

What you do
speaks so loudly
that I cannot hear
what you say.

Einstein's Three Rules ...
1. Out of clutter find simplicity.
2. From discord make harmony.
3. In the middle of difficulty lies opportunity.

The best thing about the future is that
it comes only one day at a time.
Abraham Lincoln

If you tickle yourself,
You can laugh when you like.
Chinese Proverb

Those who bring sunshine
to the lives of others cannot
keep it from themselves.
Sir James M. Barrie

May you be happy and
your enemies know it.

If you're determined
to be unhappy, you
probably will be.
Madeline L:Engle

You can't have
Where would
you put it?
Steven Wright

... he that is of a cheerful
heart hath a continual feast.
Proverbs 15:15

Happiness is as a butterfly, which,
when pursued, is always just beyond
your grasp, but which, if you will sit
down quietly, may light upon you.
Nathaniel Hawthorne

The really happy man
is the one who can
enjoy the scenery when
he has to take a detour.
Kathy Davis

A friend is someone who reaches for
your hand ... and touches your heart.

As you ramble on through life ...
whatever be your goal; keep your
eyes upon the donut and not the hole!
Dr. Murray Banks

Some think a wife must
think like a man, act like
a lady, look like a girl and
work like a dog ...

Show me a man
who doesn't make
mistakes and I'll
show you a man
who doesn't do
Theodore Roosevelt

Celebrate everyday!
May the clouds in your life
form only a background
for sunsets and rainbows.

May you live all the
days of your life.
Jonathan Swift

May your lives be as beautiful
as a summer day with just
enough clouds to make you
appreciate the sunshine.

Rich as he is, not even
the emperor can buy
back one single day.
Chinese Proverb

To me, every hour of the day and night
is an unspeakable, perfect Miracle.
Walt Whitman

If you think you're confused, think
of poor Columbus. He didn't know
where he was going when he started.
When he got there, he didn't know
where he was, and when he got back,
he didn't know where he had been
and he did it all on borrowed money.
Today, he is a hero.

The past is history,
The future is mystery.
But today is a gift,
Which is why it is called the Present.

Life is ours to be spent,
not to be saved.
D. H. Lawrence

Sincerity is to speak as we
think, to do as we pretend
and profess, to perform what
we promise, and really to be
what we would seem and
appear to be.
John Tillotson

With every rising sun
Think of your life as just begun ...
Ella Wheeler Wilcox

Whatever life may bring-whatever God may send,
No matter whether clouds lift soon or late-
Take heart and wait!
Grace Noll Crowell

Life is more fun when
you don't keep score.

Don't be so concerned about
making a living that you don't
take the time to make a life.

In life, you can never do a kindness
too soon because you never
know how soon it will be too late.
Ralph Waldo Emerson

Life is a play; 'tis not its length,
but its performance that counts.
(4 B.C.-A.D. 65)

Nothing in life is to be feared.
It is only to be understood.
Marie Curie

We are all preaching an unspoken
sermon with our lives.

May you have enough happiness to keep you sweet;
enough trials to keep you strong; enough sorrow to
keep you human; enough hope to keep you happy;
enough failure to keep you humble; enough success
to keep you eager; enough friends to give you
comfort; enough faith and courage to
banish depression; enough wealth to meet your
needs; and enough determination to make each
day a better day than yesterday.
Here's to Eternity-may we spend it in as
good of company as this night finds us.

Our love is the greatest gift
we can give to one another.

A toast to love
and laughter
and happily
ever after.

The course of true
love never did run
William Shakespeare

May your joys be as bright as
the morning, and your sorrows
but shadows that fade in the
sunlight of love.
Here's to the husband-and here's to the wife;
May they remain lovers for life.
And things can never go badly wrong
If the heart be true and the love be strong.
George Macdonald

Love is patient,
love is kind ...
Love does not delight in
evil but rejoices with
the truth.
It always protects,
always trusts,
always hopes
always perseveres.

Adapted from
I Corinthians 13:4, 6-7

To love you is miracle
enough for me.

There is no fear in love; but perfect
love casteth out fear: ...
I John 4:18

There is no surprise more magical
than the surprise of being loved.
Charles Morgan

Love is everything it's cracked up to be. That is
why people are so cynical about it ... It really
is worth fighting for, being brave for, risking
everything for. And the trouble is, if you don't
risk anything, you risk even more.
Erica Jong

We can do not great things;
only small things with great love.
Mother Theresa

For one human being to love another ... that
is perhaps the most difficult of all of our tasks,
the final and ultimate proof, the task for which
all others are but preparation.
R. Maria Rilke

The power to love is God's greatest
gift to man, for it never will be taken
from the blessed one who loves.
Kahlil Gibran

How do I say "Thank You"
to the angels above
Who've blessed our life
With their magical love?

Love has nothing to do with
what you are expecting to get,
only with what you are
expecting to give-which is
Katherine Hepburn

People who love us for what
we are, not for what we have
done, are precious support
when we're trying to do and
be more.
Peter McWilliams

I love you, not only for what you are,
but for what I am when I am with you.
I love you, not only for what you have
made of yourself, but for what you are
making of me.

Marriage is a lot like the army,
everyone complains, but you'd
be surprised at the large number
that reenlist.
James Garner

Marriage is your faith in all that is good in
the world. Marriage is the selfless spirit of
doing for each other. Marriage is laughter
and friendship and the spreading of cheer,
and it is the guileless wonder of childlike
love. Marriage is the sweet joy of families
united, it is the tender knowledge that you
are loved by someone and that you have
someone to love. Marriage is believing in
prayer and the power that answers.
Here's to marriage, that happy estate that
resembles a pair of scissors: "So joined that
they cannot be separated; often moving in
opposite directions; yet punishing anyone
who comes between them.
Rev. Sydney Smith

Marriage is a journey towards an unknown
destination: The discovery that people must
share not only what they don't know about
each other, but what they don't know about

Coming together is a beginning;
keeping together is progress;
working together is success.
Henry Ford

To understand the heart and mind
of a person, look not at what he
has already achieved, but at what
he aspires to do.
Kahlil Gibran

A bird does not
sing because it
has an answer,
it sings because
it has a song.

The only time a woman changes
a man is when he's a baby.
Natalie Wood

It is better to be silent
and be considered a
fool than to speak
and remove all doubt.

Wise men learn from others'
mistakes, fools by their own.

Conscience: An inner voice that
warns us that somebody is looking.
H. L. Mencken

Much wisdom can be crowded into four words:
In God we trust.
This, too, shall pass.
Live and let live.
Still waters run deep.
Bad news travels fast.
Nothing succeeds like success.
Charity begins at home.
Nothing ventured, nothing gained.
Man proposes, God disposes.
Let sleeping dogs lie.

May the most you wish
for be the least you get.
And here's to ourselves
And wishing all
The wish they wish themselves!
Wishing you heaven in your
heart, starlight in your soul,
and angels in your life ...
I wish you health; I wish you
wealth; I wish you gold in store;
I wish you heaven when you die;
what could I wish you more?

Wedding Toasts

A toast by the groom to his bride

The Bible says that it is not good for man to be alone,
and how I praise God for giving you to me. Before you
came into my life, I thought I was self-sufficient, and
doing quite well actually, but now I know that without
you I was a mere shadow of the man God really wants
me to be. _______(the bride), not only are you my best
friend, but my strength and my inspiration-the power
that propels my spirit day by day. You have filled a void
in my life that I didn't even realize existed. To my wife-
the wind beneath my wings.

I would like to propose a toast to my wife. In the second
chapter ofthe Song of Solomon, we find these words:
"My Beloved spoke, and said to me:
Rise up, my love, my fair one, and come away.
For, lo, the winter is past,
The rain is over and gone;
The flowers appear on the earth;
The time of singing is come,
And the voice of the turtle is heard in our land;
The fig tree putteth forth her green figs,
And the vines in blossom give forth their fragrance,
Arise, my love, my fair one, and come away."
_________. (the bride), thank you for marrying me. You
are my beloved, my love, my fair one, and our time of
singing has finally come. Arise, my love, and come away
with me. To my bride.

I would like to propose a toast to my wife. In the book of
Proverbs it is said that "a virtuous woman is a crown to
her husband," and this is a fitting description of you, my
angel, my beloved bride. Not only are you a virtuous
woman, but a Godly woman, as well. I thank God for
you, ________(the bride). Here's to my bride and to our

A toast by the bride to her groom

To my husband, (the groom). May our
marriage always be a testimony ofour deep and abiding
love for each other and for our Heavenly Father.

_________(the groom), in the book ofGenesis Adam has
said, "This is now bone ofmy bones and flesh of my flesh;
she shall be called Woman." Today we became joined as
husband and wife, and we are no longer two individual
people, but joined as one. (the groom), God
has willed this, and He has given me to you to be your
'Woman' from this day forward. What a lovely plan that
is! Thank you, Lord. To my husband, _________(the groom).

To my husband, __________(the groom). May God bless
our marriage and make us pleasing to Him every day.

I would like to propose a toast to my husband, borrowing
these eloquent words found in The Song of Songs in the
Bible. ________(the groom), these words speak straight
from my heart:
«My beloved speaks and says to me:
'Arise, my love, my fair one, and come away:
o my dove, in the clefts ofthe rock,
In the covert ofthe cliff,
Let me see your face, let me hear your voice;
For your voice is sweet, and your face is lovely. '
My beloved is mine and I am his;
Set me as a seal upon your heart,
As a seal upon your arm;
For love is strong as death,
Passion fierce as the grave;
Its flashes are flashes offire,
A raging flame,
Many waters cannot quench love,
Neither can floods drown it."
_________(the groom), seal me upon your heart.
To my beloved husband.

I would like to propose a toast to my husband with these
words written by Ruth in the Old Testament:
"For whither thou goest, I will go,
And whither thou lodgest, I will lodge,
Thy people shall be my people,
And thy God my God.
Where thou diest, willI die,
And there I will be buried.
The Lord do so to me, and more also,
If aught but death part thee and me."
____(the groom), today, as I became your wife,
your people became my people, your God became my God,
and we will lodge together for the rest of our lives as
husband and wife. I thank God for bringing you to me as
part of His perfect plan. To my husband, __________(the

I would like to propose a toast to my husband.
_____(the groom), I know we both believe that our
marriage has been sanctioned by God, and I want you to
know that I feel blessed beyond measure that He brought
you into my life. To my husband.

Please stand with me as we honor ___________and
_________. May your love for each other always be a
reflection ofthe perfect love of Christ for His church. We
wish you true peace and happiness through Him all the
days of your married life.

I would like to propose a toast ofcongratulations to our
newlyweds. ___________and___________ , what an
incredible wedding day this is. It is a day unlike any
other: no ordinary day, this day, but a day that brings
you together in God's divine providence; no ordinary
flowers, these flowers, but flowers whose scents waft over
us, sweet reminders ofthe beautiful world He has created
for us; no ordinary rings, these rings, but rings that form
never-ending circles, sweet reminders ofyour neverending
love; and finally, no ordinary vows, your vows,
those promises made from your innermost hearts, sweet
reminders of your never-ending commitment to each

__________and _________, what a beautiful couple you
are-glowing with love for each other and your love for
the Lord. As we raise our glasses in toast to you this hour,
our prayers go with you for a marriage committed to
Him, controlled by Him and blessed by Him. One word of
advice: Remember before you go to bed each night to give
all your troubles to God...He's going to be up all night
anyway. Seriously though, nothing could be more
precious than a marriage fully committed to the will of
God, and that is my wish and prayer for you today!

I would like to propose a toast to our happy couple. May
your marriage be guided by the hand of God; may your
home be happy, contented and filled with His Spirit; and
may He bless you every day of your lives. To _________
(the bride) and _____________(the groom).

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