Going the extra mile... to make you smile

Professional Cleaning & Concierge

Pets? No Problem!


Because the experts at Professional Cleaning & Concierge know you love your dog and after all they are part of the family too, with that in mind they have taken professional dog training classes, that specialize in how to comfort dogs. They also all have dogs and love them as well.

Dog Concierge Services

Not only do the experts at Professional Cleaning & Concierge love dogs and know how to deal with them in a positive and friendly manner but we offer dog concierge services

  • Taking your dog or cat to the groomer
  • Dog walking
  • Dog sitting
  • Taking your dog or cat to the veterinarian

Dog Preparation Checklist

  1. Let us know in advance that you have a pet and what kind.
  2. Tell your Professional Cleaning & Concierge professional your pets name in the event that your pet should become disagreeable or get loose. Let us know if your pet has any special treats that we can use to break the ice.
  3. If there is a animal mess, please clean it up before the Professional Cleaning & Concierge professional arrives, messes of this nature can cause health problems if not cleaned up promptly.
  4. Let The Professional Cleaning & Concierge know if your pet has a regular spot they like to sleep in so that special attention can be made to this area.
  5. If possible, relocate you pet to a spot or kennel that is in a clearly marked room that Professional Cleaning & Concierge is not scheduled to enter, this is healthier for your pet. He will be more relaxed if he is safe away from loud noises.
  6. If your pet is friendly the experts of Professional Cleaning & Concierge are happy to make friends.

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