Catholic Prayer Revival

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Prayer Site



Our mission is to help awaken the spirit of revival in all Catholics and any Christian who would like to experience the beauty of the prayers of the Saints. The way I wish to accomplish this is to give you access to free prayer books, and hundreds of prayers and not just the prayers but an environment that fosters deep meditation and devotion. We will constantly add to our prayer data-base and welcome your own personal prayers to add to this site.

Please download our free prayer book of amazing prayers, its almost 500 pages long and growing, its yours free. Just please pray for me and my mission, as I am constantly under attack by the enemies of Our Lord Jesus Christ. We all are!

Call for immediate prayer for our Brothers and Sisters in the Middle East that are being killed just for loving Jesus. Even the little children are being killed and in some cases tortured. These poor ones need our help and we must act now!!!. Please pray for at least one hour daily for them and fast at least one day per week.

Christians in this country and all around the world are being persecuted. We need to pray for them now!

Please make an act of contrition and go to confession and try to stay in grace, we are in the end times. Sad to say that most in this country are unaware of this desperate situation. We need to help all mankind in anyway we can, even unbelievers, you should never discriminate in who you love or help, we are all children of God he is the Just Judge and we are not. We never know when God living in us can turn their hearts to Him, the God of Love. And if you are one of these persecuted Christians or think you may be, you need to stay in perfect grace continually, daily holy communion if possible, and pray as much as you can and don’t have any fear, they fead on your fear. Remember you did nothing wrong, you did everything right that is precisely why you have been chosen to be part of their diabolical experiment, their logic is to pick the strongest and defeat them first, this makes it easier to defeat the rest.

Do acts of charity for your neighbors. Stay off the internet as much a possible, no surfing the conspiracy sites, this is one reason people are being targeted, everything is already monitored and this computer system they are using is running wild including everyone. Get involved in your church. Give to the poor. Volunteer your time to the poor. And never let them make you loose your faith, or even doubt Gods immense love for you. Pray and ask God to increase your faith and peace with each trial. And please never ever give up when you get tired of it all just sleep, or work-out and pray continually. Don’t act out in anger towards any of them, this will just make it all worse, we are called to Love,

this is why we are different from them, we return Love for their hatred of us, just like Jesus did.

This is why He said from the cross “Father forgive them for they know not what they do”. Just love them. Even if you know who they are just love them. Love them! Love Them like Jesus did. Just pray that those who are well intentioned will realize what is going on before Jesus comes back as their Judge.

Loud Christian Music seams to help with the physical pain caused by the weapons. Be brave Christians! They will know you are a child of God by the LOVE you show even to your persecutors.

Just pray that you never become a target, and pray for those who are, through no fault of theirs, other than being a true Christian who speaks out for Jesus and takes a Pro-Life stance in a public way. This is the one thing I have noticed about most of the targeted ones. They are vocal critics of a culture of death.

God loves you

You are never alone! We are here for you, to pray for you and with you. You will find an amazing collection of hundreds of the most powerful Catholic prayers that I have ever found, (as this has been my hobby for the last 20 years) I have collected these prayers over the years, most of them I compiled from prayers cards received by friends over the years, most of them have a imprimatur.

If you want to go to heaven there is no other way but by Jesus Christ, and you can never know or learn to love Him unless you pray to Him.

God be with you!

Pray like there is no tomorrow!

Jesus said, “couldn’t you please just pray with me for one hour?”

Give me one hour and I promise this site will change your life for the better.”

Let us begin the Revival now!


Show Mercy

Also please remember corporal works of mercy for your fellow man, such as giving to the less fortunate. There are many good Catholic organizations you can support, some are better than others. This one will help our persecuted brothers and sisters in Iraq, and 100% goes to the people who need help, that is unheard of in the world of charities so please help them out now:


Daily Prayers

These are great daily prayers that you can easily start with and won’t take you long to pray them. Make them your own by changing or adding words that come into your heart while you pray them, that way you are really making them your own.

Prayer to the Holy Family


Jesus, Mary and Joseph, bless us and grant us the grace to love the Church as we ought, above ever other material thing or activity, and always to show forth our love by doing good deeds.

Jesus, Mary and Joseph, bless us and grant us the grace to profess openly as we ought the faith given to us in Baptism, without fear of loosing the respect of some.

Jesus, Mary and Joseph, bless us and grant us the grace to share in the defense and propagation of the Faith whether by word or by the sacrifice of our fortunes and our lives.

Jesus, Mary and Joseph, bless us and grant us the grace to love one another, and to live together in perfect harmony of thought, will and action, under the rule and guidance of our pastors.

Jesus, Mary and Joseph, bless us and grant us the grace to conform our lives to the precepts of God and of the Church, so as to live always in that charity which they set forth.


Divine Jesus


Miraculous Infant, kneeling before your sacred image, we implore you to hear our prayer. You whose tender heart went out to all, you who gave sight to the blind, healed lepers, made the deaf hear and the mute speak, you who brought the dead back to life, grant us, we beg you, the graces we humbly ask through your merits, O Lord Jesus Christ, Amen.

Pardon Prayer

My God, I believe, I adore, I hope and I love Thee! I ask pardon for those who do not believe, do not adore, do not hope and do not love Thee. Amen.

Reparation Prayer

Most Holy Trinity – Father, Son and Holy Spirit- I adore Thee profoundly. I offer Thee the most precious Body, Blood, Soul and Divinity of Jesus Christ, present in all the tabernacles of the world, in reparation for the outrages, sacrileges, and indifference whereby He is offended. And through the infinite merits of His Most Sacred Heart and the Immaculate Heart of Mary, I beg of Thee the conversion of poor sinners.

Oh my Jesus, I offer this for love of Thee, for the conversion of sinners, and in reparation for the sins committed against the Immaculate Heart of Mary.
Oh My Jesus, forgive us our sins, save us from the fires of Hell, lead all souls to Heaven, especially those who have most need of Thy mercy. Amen.

Eucharistic Prayer

Most Holy Trinity, I adore you! My God, my god, I love you in the Most Blessed Sacrament! Amen.

Sacrifice Prayer

O my Jesus, it is for love of you, in reparation for the offenses committed against the Immaculate Heart of Mary, and for the conversion of poor sinners. Amen.

Morning Offering

Pray always

O Jesus, through the sorrowful and Immaculate Heart of Mary, I offer you my prayers, works, joys and sufferings and all that this day may bring, be they good or bad; in union with the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass throughout the world. I offer them for all the intentions of your Sacred Heart: the salvation of souls, the reparation for sin, and the union of all Christians, and most of all for the Love of God, that His Will may be done on earth as it is in Heaven. Amen.

Here are three choices for Spiritual Communion Prayer for you to choose from:

#1 Spiritual Communion


My dear Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, though I am a sinful servant I approach thee with confidence. I am truly sorry for having offended thee by my sins because thou are infinitely good. I have a great desire to receive thee in holy communion and since I cannot now be united to thee in the Blessed Sacrament I beseech thee most earnestly to come to me at least spiritually, and to refresh my soul with the sweetness of Thy Grace, come my Lord, my God and my all, come to me and let me never again be separated from thee by sin. I wish to become like thee. Teach me Thy blessed ways, help me with Thy Grace to practice meekness, humility, purity, charity and all the virtues of Thy Sacred Heart. Oh my Jesus I consecrate to thee my heart with all its affections, my soul with all its powers and my body with all its senses in union with Thee I will live, labor and suffer to do the Heavenly Fathers will. I will ever be mindful of the presence of my God and strive to be perfect, bless me in life and in death that I may praise thee forever in heaven. Amen.

#2 Spiritual Communion

prayer revival

My Jesus, I believe that you are really present in the most Blessed Sacrament of the Altar. I love You above all things and I desire to receive You into my soul. Since I cannot now receive You in Holy Communion, come, I beg You spiritually into my heart. I embrace You as if You have already there, and unite myself completely to You. Never permit me to be separated from You. Amen.

#3 Spiritual Communion

Oh Jesus, I turn toward the holy tabernacle where You live hidden for love of me. I love you, O my God. I cannot receive you in Holy Communion. Come, nevertheless, and visit me with Your grace. Come spiritually into my heart. Purify it. Sanctify it. Render it like unto Your own. Amen.

Lord, I am not worthy that Thou shouldest enter under my roof, but only say the word and my soul shall be healed.

An indulgence of 500 days, if you repeat this prayer 3 times, (129 The Racceolta 1944).

Prayers to defeat the work of satan

O Divine Eternal Father, In union with your Divine Son and the Holy Spirit, and through the Immaculate Heart of Mary, I beg You to destroy the Power of your greatest enemy the evil spirits. Cast them into the deepest recesses of hell and chain them there forever! Take possession of your Kingdom which You have created and which is rightfully yours.

Heavenly Father, give us the reign of the Sacred Heart of Jesus and the Immaculate Heart of Mary.
I repeat this prayer out of pure love for You with every beat of my heart and with every breath I take. Amen.

Before Bed


Now I lay me down to sleep, I pray the Lord my soul to keep. If I should die before I wake, I pray the Lord my soul to take." Amen

Prayer to Keep the Presence of God

Lord, God Almighty, you have brought us safely to the beginning of this day. Defend us today by your mighty power, that we may not fall into any sin, but that all our words may so proceed and all our thoughts and actions be so directed, as to be always just in your sight, through Christ Jesus our Lord. Amen.

O my God, Sovereign judge of all, who desires not the death of a sinner, but that he should be converted and saved, enlighten my mind, that I may know the sins which I have this day committed in thought, word or deed, and give me the grace of true contrition.

Shield Before Bedtime

Our Lady, July 1, 1971

I will protect myself with the shield of the Immaculate Conception. Amen.

My God

My God, I believe, I adore, I trust, and I love Thee. I beg pardon for all those who do not believe, do not adore, do not trust, and do not love Thee. Amen.


My Jesus, my confidence! Amen.

Guardian Angel Prayer

Guardina Angel

O Angel of God, my guardian dear, for whom God's love commits you here; ever this day be at my side, to light and guard, to rule and guide. Amen.

Prayer for Daily Neglects

Eternal Father, I offer Thee the Sacred Heart of Jesus, with all its Love, all its sufferings and all its merits.

First -  To expiate all the sins I have committed this day and during all my life.  Glory be to the Father and to the Son…!

Second - To purify the good I have done badly this day and during all my life.  Glory be to the Father and to the Son…!

Third -  To supply for the good I ought to have done and that I have neglected this day and during all my life.  Glory be to the Father…!

A Poor Clare nun, who had just died, appeared to her abbess, who was praying for her, and said to her, “I went straight to heaven, for, by means of this prayer, recited every evening, I paid my debts.”

(This prayer is not meant to replace confession)

Prayer to Obtain the Grace of All Worlds Masses

Eternal Father we humbly offer Thee our poor presence and that of the whole of humanity from the beginning to the end of the world at all the Masses that ever have or ever will be prayed.  We offer Thee all the pains, suffering, prayers, sacrifices, joys and relaxations of our lives, in union with those of our dear Lord Jesus here on earth.  May the Most Precious Blood of Christ, all His blood and wounds and agony save us, through the sorrowful and Immaculate Heart of Mary.  Amen! 

Prayer for Peaceful Rest

Dear Lord Jesus, as I rest in the comfort of your love, I ask to experience your gentle embrace as you tenderly wrap your loving arms around me. I trust your compassionate care will bring peace to my mind, serenity to my heart and renewal to my spirit. In your loving embrace, I ask that you grant me a peaceful night’s rest. Please purify my dreams, cleanse my subconscious and wash my thoughts with the purity of your infinite love. Please minister to my heart, mind, body, soul and spirit as I rest in your compassionate care tonight.

Please send forth your protective angels to stand guard over me as I sleep. May your angelic army destroy all curses, hindrances and demonic influences that have been sent against my ability to experience a peaceful night’s rest. I ask that your heavenly host protect me as I stay awake and watch over me as I sleep, that awake I may keep watch with Christ, and asleep, rest in his peace. Amen.

Prayer Before Bed

by St. Alphonsus Liguori

childrens prayers

Jesus Christ, my God, I adore Thee and I thank Thee for the many favours Thou hast bestowed on me this day. I offer Thee my sleep and all the moments of this night, and I pray Thee to preserve me from sin. Therefore, I place myself in Thy most sacred side, and under the mantle of our Blessed Lady, my Mother. May the holy Angels assist me and keep me in peace, and may Thy blessing be upon me.

Evening Prayer

O my God, I present myself before you at the end of another day, to offer you anew the homage of my heart. I humbly adore you, my Creator, my Redeemer, and my judge! I believe in you, because you are Truth itself; I hope in you, because you are faithful to your promises; I love you with my whole heart, because you are infinitely worthy of being loved; and for your sake I love my neighbor as myself.

Enable me, O my God, to return you thanks as I ought for all your inestimable blessings and favors. You have formed me out of nothing; You have delivered up your beloved Son to the ignominious death of the Cross for my redemption;You have made me a member of your Holy Church;You have preserved me from falling into the abyss of eternal misery, when my sins had provoked you to punish me; and you have graciously continued to spare me, even though I have not ceased to offend you. What return, O my God, can I make for your innumerable blessings, and particularly for the favors of this day?

O all ye saints and angels, unite with me in praising the God of mercy, who is so bountiful to so unworthy a creature.

Bless, O Lord, the repose I am about to take, that my bodily strength being renewed, I may be the better enabled to serve you.


Daily Prayers


Prayer to say each morning

My dear Lord and savior Jesus Christ, though I am a sinful servant I approach thee with confidence I am truly sorry for having offended thee by my sins because thou art infinitely good. I have a great desire to receive thee in Holy Communion but since I cannot now be united to thee in the Blessed Sacrament I beseech thee most earnestly my love to come to me at least spiritually, to refresh my soul with the sweetness of thy grace, come my Lord Jesus, my God and my all, come to me and let me never again be separated from thee by sin. I wish to become like thee. Teach me thy blessed ways, help me with thy grace to practice meekness and humility, purity and charity to all, even those who seek to harm me. Teach me all the virtues of Thy Sacred Heart oh Jesus. Oh my Jesus I consecrate to thee my heart with all its affections, my soul with all its powers and my body with all its senses in union with thee I will live, labor and suffer to do the Heavenly Fathers will. I will ever be mindful of the presence of my God and strive to be perfect. Bless me in life and in death where I may praise Thee forever in heaven with all the Angel and Saints. Amen

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Saint Benedict Press - The Source for Catholic Bibles

Prayer to The Holy Family
Divine Jesus
Pardon Prayer
Reparation Prayer
Eucharistic Prayer
Sacrifice Prayer
Morning Offering
Spiritual Communion #1
Spiritual Communion #2
Prayer to Defeat the Work of satan
Before Bed Prayer
To Keep The Presence of God
Shield Before Bedtime
My God
Gurdian Angel Prayer
Prayer for Daily Neglects
To Obtain the Grace of All the Worlds Masses
Prayer for Peaceful Rest
St. Liguori Prayer Before Bed
Evening Prayer

Peita Prayer Book (shortened version)

Prayer for Religious Liberty

Financial Difficulties

Prayer For Employment
Financial Help To Our Mother Of Pertepual Help
God Our Father For Work
Blessing Of Work
To God The Father For Work

Favorite Litanies

Litany Of Humility
LItany Of The Holy Name
Litany Of The Most Precious Blood Of Jesus
Litany Of Mary The Mother Of God
LItany Of The Saints


Reflections on Suffering
Prayer For Inner Healing
Heroic Offering
Offering Of Our Sufferings To Jesus
Offering Our Trials
Prayer To St. Anthony For Healing Healing
Suffering Petition
For Freind In Tribulation
Prayer For Healing
Healing Prayer Of Suffender
Prayer Of Reconciliation
Healing Prayer Of Command
Prayer for Creative Miracle
Praery To The Divine Physicain
Generationalal Healing Prayer
Prayer Of Confirmation
Prayer For Peaceful Rest
Healing Scriptures
Prayer For Peace In Suffering
Evening Prayer
Prayer To St. Anthony For Healing
Healing For Those On Medication

Prayer For Priests

Keep Them, I Pray Thee
Pray For Priests


For Sick Animals
Blessing For Your Home
Blessing For Your Car
Blessing For Water Supply
Blessing For Workplace
Blessing Of Water
Blessing Of Water (Long version)
Blessing Of Books
Blessing Of Cnadles
Blessing Of People Who Care For The Sick

Basic Catholic Prayer

Nicene Creed (new version)
Nicene Creed (old version)
Apostles Creed
Hail Holy Queen
Our Father
Hail Mary

Skin Food

CoCo LoCo Botanicals Skin Food Healing Cream

The Father

God Is My Father
Litany Of The Father


Jesus Prayer
Act Of Dedication Of The Human Race To Jesus
Prayer To Christ The King
Dedication Of The Human Race To Jesus
My God, I Love Thee
The Shoulder Wound Of Christ
Miracle Prayer
Offering Jesus Our Day
Jesus Help Us To Understand
A True Letter Of Our Savior Jesus Christ
The Tortures Of Our Most Precious Lord

Most Precious Blood Of Jesus Christ Chaplet

Chaplet Of The Precious Blood

Precious Blood Prayers

In Honor Of The Precious Blood Of Jesus
Devotion To The Drops Of Blood Lost By Our Lord Jesus Christ On His Way
Litany Of The Most Precious Blood Of Jesus

Stations Of The Cross

The Long Stations Of The Cross (With Pictures)
St. Francis Version

Short Way Of The Cross (With Pictures)

Prayers To Jesus

Prayer To Jesus
Holy Wounds
Seven Last Words
15 Secret Tortures Of Our Lord

The Holy Spirit

Reflections On The Holy Spirit

Veni Creator
Invocation Of The Holy Spirit
Litany Of The Holy Spirit
Prayer For The Seven Gifts Of The Holy Ghost
Act Of Consecration To Holy Spirit
Consecration To The Holy Spirit
Prayer For The Twelve Fruits Of Holy Spirit
The Twelve Fruits Of The Holy Spirit
Prayer To The Holy Spirit Secret To Sancity
Act Of Filial Submission
Sequence For Pentecost
Indulgenced Invocations To The Holy Spirit
Come Holy Spirit
Simple Prayer To The Holy Spirit
Miraculous Prayer To The Holy Spirit
Cardinal Mercier's Prayer To The Holy Spirit
Come, Holy Ghost
Come, Holy Spirit

Immaculate Heart Of Mary I Place All My Trust In You!


Reflections On Mary

Mary Of The Angels
Prayer For Peace, To Mary, by Pope St, John Paull II
Flos Carmeli (Flower Of Carmel)
To The Queen Of The Most Holy Rosary
Cantena Legionis
The Memorare
Consecration To Mary
Marian Prayer Of Saint Philip Neri
Marian Prayer of t. Gregory Of Narek
Prayer To The Immuculate Heart Of Mary
Prayer To The Virgin Mary
Devorional Prayer To The Sorrowful, Immaculate Heart Of Mary
The Angelus
Litany Of Mary The Mother Of God (Loreto)
To Our Lady by Pope St, Pius X
Ave Maria Stella (both versions, old and new)
Prayer Written By Our Lady Herself
Glory Be To Jesus And Mary
Oh Humble Sweet Mother Mary
Hail Mary Of Gold
Consecrating To Last Two Hours Of Life To Our Lady
Mary's Crown

St. Monfort True Devotion

True Devotion To The Blessed Virgin Mother Book
by: St. Louis de Monfort

Seven Sorrows Of Mary

The Dolors Of Our Lady
7 Sorrows Of Our Lady (With Pictures)

Our Lady Of Perpetual Help

Novena Prayers To Our Lady Of Perpetual Help
Prayers For the Home To Our Lady Of Perpetual Help
Petitions To Our Mother Of Perpetual Help
Thankgiving Prayer To Our Lady Of Perpetual Help
Prayer For The Sick To Our Lady Of Perpetual Help
Prayer For Financial Help To Our Mother Of Perpetual Help
Our Mother Of Perpetual Help In Temptation
Novena To Our Mother Of Perpetual Help
Prayer Found Under Christ's Sepulcher

Consecration Prayers

Daily Consecration
Veni Creator
Little Crown
Litany Of The Blessed Virgin
Prayer To Jesus
Prayer To Mary
Glory Be
Ave Maria Steeel
Litany Of The Holy Name
LItany Of The Sacred Heart
Litany Of The Holy Spirit

True Devorion

True Devotion - ourline aka clifnotes of the book True Devotion written by St. Louis Marie de Monfort

What it is and is not
Why you should pray it and do it
The principals
The practices
The prayers
Who will oppose you
What you do in consecration
The Company of Mary
The Confraternity
The Steps
Great Links

Daily Meditations

Daily Meditations Of Consecration To Jesus Through Mary

Day 1-33

The Precious Blood Of Jesus Rosary

Precious Blood Rosary (With Pictures)

The Holy Rosary

Rosary Prayers (With Pictures)

Apologetics Of Mary

Apologetics Of Mary The Mother Of Jesus Christ

The Chastisement

Chaplet To Shorten The Chastisment
The Golden Arrow
Dies Irae

Spiritual Warfare Prayers

Spiritual Battle Prayers

Short Prayer To St. Michael
Seal Yourself With The Most Precious Blood Of Jesus Christ Prayer
Powerful Prayer For Breaking Curses
Prayer For Protevtion Against Curses, Harm, Accidents
Spiritual Warfare Prayer
Prayer To Break The Power Of Evil
Prayer For Revelation
Prayer To Be Filled With The Holy Spirit
Prayer Of Deliverance
Prayer Against Every Evil (*Very Powerful)
Prayer To Defeat The Work Of satan
Prayer To Saint Michael The Archangel
Ecorcism Prayer
Prayer For Protection
Prayer Or Blessing Against Storms
Prayer For Protection In Storms & Danger
Prayer For The Christian Church For Help Against Evil
Prayer Found Under Christ's Sepulcher

Request Prayers

MISC. prayerecg


Being Catholic

Petition For The Chruch's Intentions

The Most Holy Eucharist


Tantum Ergo
Offering Of The Holy Hour With Jesus In The Blessed Sacrament
Holy Hour With Jesus by St. Alphonsus Ligouri
Prayer To The Sacred Heart Of Jesus In The Blessed Sacrament
Closing Prayer To The Most Blessed Sacrament
Prayer Before Each Visit To The Blessed Sacrament
Prayer To Our Lady After Each Visit To Jesus In The Blessed Sacrament
Prayer Before Holy Communion
Pange Lingua
Prayer After Communion by St. Padre Pio
O Salutaris Host
Act Of Petition by St. Augustine Of Hippo
I Love You, O God by St. John Vianney



St. Gertrude Prayer For The Souls In Purgatory
Pryae For Souls In Purgatory
Memorial Prayer For Suffering Souls In Purgatory
Short Prayer For The Dead
To Our Suffering Savior For The Holy Souls
Prayer For Mercy For The Holy Souls
Novena For The Poor Souls



Prayer For Marriage
Family Prayer

End Of Live Prayers

End Of LIfe

Prayer For Resignation In Death
Prayer For Final Preserverance #1
Prayer For Final Preserverance #2
Prayer To The Blessed Virgin For A Good Death
Three Very Beautiful Prayers
Prayer For Those In Their Last Agony
Heart Of Jesus Agonicing, Have Mercy Of The Dying
Prayer To St. Anthony For A Happy Death

The Holy Days Of Obligation

Holy Days Of Obligation
For The United Sates Of America

The Mass

The Mass

Why God To Mass
Order Of The Mass
Prayer Before Mass
Prayer After Communion
Prayers After Mass

Every Catholic Should Know

Catholic Cheat Sheet

Nicene Creed
Apostle Creed
Great Command
Chruch Commandments
7 Cacraments
Virtues & Sins
Gifts Of The Holy Spirit
Works Of Mercy
The Last Things
Holy Days

The Traditional, Original Mass

Tridintine Mass
Traditional Catholic Mass

All The Words and Prayers Said During The Mass

Faith Only Teaching

Faith Alone
Apologetics Of Faith Alone

Apologetics Of The Pope

Apologetics On The Pope

Salvation Of Souls

Salvation Of Souls
Novena For The Salvation Of Souls

Making A Good Confession


Act Of Contrition
More Complete Act Of Contrition
Prayer Before Confession
Act Of Contrition During Confession
Prayer After Confession
Duties To God And To Chruch
Duties To Family
Duties To Society
Duties To Yourself
Apologetics On Confession
An Aid To Examining Your Conscience



The Brown Scapular
The Miraculous Medal
The Pardon Crucifix
The St. Benedict Medal

Sacramentals 2


The Agnus Dei Medal
The Agnus Dei Prayer
Holy Wather
Blessing For Water

Christmas Prayers

Christmas Prayers

Christman Anticipation Prayer
My Gift To The Christ-Child

Gaining Indulgences


Conditions For Plenary Indulgence
Conditions For Partial Indulgence
Indulgenced Invocations
Anima Christi
Miserere - Psalm 51
Selected Indulgences
Angelus Domini
Te Deum
Act Of Dedication To Christ The King
Renewal Of Baptismal Promises
Reading Sacred Scripture
Act Of Reparation To The Sacred Heart
Act Of Reparation To The Sacred Heart Of Jesus
To Jesus Abandoned
To Our Lord On The Holy Cross
Devotion In Honor Of The Five Wounds
To The Wound Of The Right Foot
To The Wound Of The Left Hand
To The Wound Of The Right Hand
To The Wound Of The Sacred Side
Prayer For Increase Of Daily Holy Communions
Prayer For the Holy Father The Pope
At The Approach Of Death
Use Of Devorional Objects
Veni Creator
Adoration Of The Holy Cross
Eucharistic Congresses

Links To Devotions On Our Site

The Most Precious Blood Of Jesus Christ

Devotions To The Most Precious Blood Of Our Lord Jesus Christ

Instructions For Praying The Devotion
The Promises That Accompany This Devotion

The Holy Infant Of Prague

Infant Of Prague

Prayers To The Miraculous Infant Jesus Of Prague
The Miraculous Infant Jesus Of Prague Novena
Prayers To The Infant Of Prague
Short Prayer To The Infant Jesus
Thanksgiving For Favors Recieved From The Holy Infant Of Prague
Litany Of The Miraculous Infant Of Prague
Litany Of The Holy Childhood Of Jesus
LItany Of The Infant Jesus
Litany Of The Holy Infant Jesus Of Prague

The Holy Face Of Jesus Devotion

Those Who Love Jesus Love Truth, If You Love God You Will Find Jesus As The Only Source Of Truth!

Holy Face Of Jesus

Devotion To The Holy Face Of Jesus
The Words Of Sister Pierina
Message Sister Pierina Revieved From Jesus
Message She Revieved From The Blessed Mother
Saintes Who Have Venerated The Holy Face Of Jesus
Our Lord To Mother Pieina In 1936
Promises Given To Sister Marie Of St. Peter
Prayers To The Holy Face Of Jesus
Holy Face Of Jesus Devotion
The Chaplet Of Reparation To The Holy Face
The Chaplet Of Reparation That Was Given By Our Lord To S. Peter To Battle Against The Emenines Of God.
Litany Of The Holy Fave Of Jesus
Prayers To Offer The Holy Fave Of Jesus To God The Father To Appease His Justice And Draw Down His Mercy Upon Us.
St. Therese Prayers To The Holy Face Of Jesus #1
St. Therese Prayer To The Holy Face Of Jesus #2
Novena In Honor Of The Most Holy Face Of Jesus
Holy Face Prayer For Sinners
Holy Face Of Jesus That Will Console You

Divine Mercy

Divine Mercy

The Feast Of Divine Mercy

Divine Mercy Devotion
Our Lord Promises Divine Mercy
Plenary Indulgences For Divine Mercy Sunday
Our Lord Promises
Divine Mercy Chaplet
Novena To The Divine Mercy
Diviner Mercy In My Soul

Sacred Head Of Jesus Devotion

Sacred Head Of Jesus

Novena To The Sacred Head Of Jesus
Sacred Head Of Jesus

Sacred Heart Of Jesus

Sacred Heart Of Jesus

The Sacred Heart Of Jesus
Become An Apostle Of The Sacred Heart Of Jesus
Promises Of The Sacred Heart Of Jesus
Promises To Saint Margaret Mary Allocate To Those Who Would Honor The Most Sacred Heart Of Jesus
Prayer To The Sacred Heart by: Saint Margaret Mary Alacoque
An Offering To The Sacred Heart Of Jesus
Prayer To The Sacred Heart
A Solemn Act Of Consecration To The Sacred Heart Of Jesus by Saint Margaret Mary Allocate
Daily Renewal Of The Consecration Of The Sacred Heart Of Jesus
Effacacious Nevena To The Sacred Heart Of Jesus by St, Padre Pio
Heart Of Jesus Litany
Prayer To The Sacred Heart Of Jesus
Consecration To The Sacred Heart Of Jesus And The Immaculate Heart Of Mary
Aspirations To The Sacred Heart Of Jesus
Prayers To The Sacred Heart Of Jesus In The Most Blessed Sacrament
Short Consecration Prayer To The Sacred Heart Of Jesus And The Immaculate Heart Of Mary
Prayer Of Consecration To The Sacred Heart Of Jesus And The Immaculate Heart
Sacred Heart Litany
Novena To The Two Hearts
O Hearts Of Love
Prayer Dictated To Josephine-Maria On May 21, !993

The Saints

The Saints

Apologetics Of The Saints
Litany Of The Saints

Saint Joseph

Saint Joseph

St. Joseph 30 Day Novena
Novena For Helping Find A Job or Work
Prayer To St. Joseph
Consecration To St. Joseph
Litany Of St. Joseph (Pope Pius X)
Prayer To St. Joseph To Know Your Vocation

Saint Philomena

Saint Philomena

Supplication Prayers ToSaint Philomena
Devotion To St. Philomena
Litany Of St. Philomena
Novena Prayer To Saint Philomena
Prayer For Each Day During The Novena
Saint Philomena Star Of Heaven
The Cord Of St. Philomena
Prayer For Those Who Wear The Cord
Oh Philomenat
Oh Glorious St. Philomena
Innocent Virgin St. Philomena
Oh Philomena We Invoke You
Throne Of Grace
Hymn To Saint Philomena
O Philomena Dwell In My Heart

Saint Therese Of The Child Jesus

Saint Therese

Prayer St. Therese
Passion Prayer by St. Therese
Miraculous Invocation To Saint Therese

The Book
Story Of A Soul Download Free Here

Saint Teresa Of Avila

Saint Teresa Of Avilia

Prayer By St. Teresa Of Avila

To Download The Interior Castle Free
To Download The Way Of Perfection Free
To Download The Life Of St Teresa Of Jesus

Saint Rita

Saint Rita

Prayer To St. Rita

Saint Anthony

Saint Anthony

Miraculous Prayer To St. Anthony
To St. Anthony In Suffering
Prayer To St. Anthony For Health Of Expectant Mother and Unborn Child
Praye To St. Anthony For Healing Of Your Spouse

Saint Dymphna

Saint Dymphna

Brief History Of Saint Dymphna
Prayer #1 To St. Dymphna
Prayer #2 To St. Dymphna

Padre Pio

Saint Padre Pio

Prayer After Communion By St. Padre Pio
Prayer To St. Padre Pio

Saint Bridget

St. Bridget

St. Bridget's 12 Year Prayers
Promises Of St. Bridgets 12 Year Prayers
Promises Of St. Bridgets Twelve Year Prayers
St. Bridget's 15 Prayers
St. Bridget's 15 Prayers Promises

Saint Francis

Saint Francis Of Assisi

Brief History Of St. Francis
Prophecies Of St. Francis Of Assisi
How St. Francis Recieved The Stigmata
St. Francis Feast Day
Prayer Prayed by St. Francis At His Conversion
Novena Prayer To St. Francis
Novena To Our Lady Of The Chain
Prayer In Honor Of The Sacred Stigmata Of St. Francis
Prayer Of St. Francis Of Assisi
Litany Of The Third Order Of St. Francis Of Assisi
O Victim Of Heavenly Lov
Act Of Love by St. Francis
Litany Of The Seraphic Father Saint Francis

Saint Jude

Saint Jude

Novena To St. Jude


Saint Elijah

Prayer Of The Carmelites Invoking Elijah

Saint Peregrine

Saint Peregrine

Prayer To St. Peregrine

Saint Liguori

Saint Alphonsus Liguori

Devout Acts To Be Made Daily By St. Alphonse de Liguori

Holy Angels


Guardian Angel Prayer
O Holy Angel
A Prayer To Our Guardian Angel
St. Gertrude's Guardian Angel Prayer
Holy Angels
Prayer To Our Guardian Angel
Guardian Angel Help Me
Litany Of The Guardian Angels
To Our Guardian Angel For A Happy Death
Litany To Our Guardian Angel #1
LItany To The Holy Guardian Angel #2

Saint Michael

Saint Michael The Archangel

Original St. Michael Prayer by Pope Leo XIII
St. Michael Excorcism Prayer
Prayer To St. Michael The Archangel
Michael, Michael Of The Morning G.K. Chesterton
Chaplet Of St. Michael The Archangel
Act Of Consecration To St. Michael The Archangel
Prayer To St. Michael The Archangel
Consecration To Saint Michael
Litany To The Archangels
St. Michael

Saint Raphael

Saint Raphael

Prayer To Saint Raphael
To St. Raphael
Oh Dear St. Raphael

Saint Gabriel

Saint Gabriel

To St. Gabriel
Litany To The Holy Archangels

Listen Here To Angels Singing

Angels Singing From Heaven Miracle

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Nice 2014 Catholic Calendar

Amazing Prayer Book Full Color
(*Download this one right away, print it in black and white as the color will cost a fortune to print")

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Rosary By St. Louis de Monfor Made Just For You
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